Two Different Angels (1/?)

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I know, I've added a new creature (angel) to the world. I wanted to try something different out.

There's God, and his sister, the Darkness, angels of the Lord, archangels, demons, fairies, shapeshifters, the lot.

And then there's me.

I'm an angel of the Darkness. There's only two of us, me and this guy. We were supposed to end up together, him love me, me love him, hook up and have kids, the whole shebang. That didn't happen. I don't know where he is. Don't care to honest.

The Darkness believes in destruction, though me and my supposed love had been an experiment from creation, before she went into darkness fully.

That's not the point though, the point is that I'm an angel of the Darkness. God's evil sister. Bad news, big problems. I don't follow in her footsteps, I don't like her, in fact, I despise her. The hatred would be more but I have a small- very small-percentage of me that's thankful. I wouldn't be here if she hadn't of made me.

One bad thing is the hunters, the two Winchester boys who would get at any chance to find the Darkness, they'd kill me if they found out who I am, a dark angel. But they hadn't found me-looked for me, so, I felt as safe as I could've, on this planet's ground.

If the Winchesters did find me, they'd torture any drop of information out of me. I wouldn't be able to tell them anything though, just 'cause the Darkness made me, doesn't mean I keep a camera rolling on her.

Angels hate me, want me dead. I don't know about God. Though, I suppose I'd already be dead if he'd wanted me to be. I guess there's a good thing in all this...

This darkness.

Ever since the two Winchesters had unleashed the Darkness, I'd had to be more careful about my place of stay, watch my back more, stay alert.

I don't want to die.

I think this often, right now I was going through my thoughts, listening to myself. No one else would talk to me. Because I'm an angel of the Darkness, I will people away naturally, like I was contagious. So, sitting staring at the ocean is my best choice.

I sit staring at the blue waters, with my chin rested upon my knees, my arms wrapped around my legs and my long black, tinged red wings folded behind my back, the ends drifting along the beach beside either side of me. I had two wings unlike the archangels God created. I prefer just to, an advantage to having only two was the fact that my wings are slightly bigger than theirs, slightly more powerful. I love my wings.

I sigh as I stare out, wishing for a better life, sadness enveloping me.

You see, I unlike God's angels, I have feeling. The Darkness let me feel what humans do; the sadness, happiness, excitment, sometimes overwhelmed me, but it was mostly nice. Though, I'm usually sad, being alone and all.

I open my wings, wings no human eye can see unless they are special, stretch them out and lay back, closing my eyes to just listen to the sounds of seagulls, the water, the wind. I fell into a dream like state, not sleep, I don't, just to a place I made for myself.

Not a moment later, I heard the sound of wings, large angelic wings. I knew straight away what it was but not who. I shot up, ready to take off and faced the angel. I watch the angel, intrigued but not scared. Which is very strange. Usually, when an angel caught up with me, I would be scared, flying away in the blink of an eye. But, it felt different, facing this angel, this man who wore a trenchcoat, his wings not on display. I wasn't as worried with him.

He stared at me, his head cocked to the side, confusion evident in his features. I watched as I noticed his hand move slightly, an angel blade appearing in his hand.

"Shit. Please, don't. I- I didn't do anything." I say quickly, stuttering as I backed up, hands shown in a display of reassurance. He grips the handle of the angel blade tightly.

"But you are born from darkness, I must kill you." He says, his eyes still holding confusion.

"I don't follow her! Please!" Why wasn't I flying away, why wasn't I running to the opposite side of the world. "I will never ever follow her." He takes several steps forward.

"I'm sorry, but, what else can I do to stop her? God is not helping, I have to attempt something." He takes another step forward. I take a step back, my feet falling into the water, I look over my shoulder briefly. "Perhaps if you live no longer, it will hurt Her."

"This is not the way to do it! Killing me will not help. I promise to you that if I die, it won't effect the Darkness. That I know enough about. I know little about her, and killing me, won't do anything. I would rather rebel against her, than join her." I scream, trying to get him to see my truth, know that I'm not lying.

He steps up close to me, bringing the angel blade to my throat, I hissed as he presses the blade into my throat more. He gets close to me, his face several centimetres away from mine, his head still cocked to the side.

"I can tell you're not lying." He says, his blue eyes squinted and calculating. "But, why are you not following in her footsteps? You are an angel of the Darkness." I look up to him, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Stop judging me by my maker! I hate this, no one understands! You all judge me because of Her, because of the Darkness. I'm not like her, I'm not bad." I close my eyes tight. "Just kill me. Just bloody do it." I keep my eyes closed, ready for my death, ready now for my end. It doesn't happen, the angel does not end me. I feel the pressure on my throat being released, instead, a hand fell upon my shoulder.

"I believe you, open your eyes." I gasp, slowly opening your eyes. My eyes, filled with tears, stare into his.

"Thank you, w-why?" I ask.

"I'm oddly like you. I too rebel against my maker." He looks down. "I too am hated by angels." I realised something then.

"Are - are you Castiel?" I stuttered, I admired him. The way he protected humans.

He looks back up to me, "Yes." He nods. I blink, looking at the man, the angel. He lets go of my shoulder, taking a step back. "They have found you." I look at him in confusion.

"Who has?" They appear then, four angels, all holding angel blades. Castiel turns to them.

"Give the dark angel to us, Castiel." One of them demands, taking a step forward.

"She hasn't done anything." Castiel speaks up, protecting me. I don't understand why he is all of a sudden helping me, he could just give me to them. I'm not his burden to bare.

The angels start running forward, towards us. Castiel spins around and grabs my shoulder.

"Same place." Is all he says as we both take off, heading to the same destination.

Continued after two chapters.

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