Angelic Hunter (3/?)

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It took several long, classic rock filled hours to get to their next motel stop. Dean had gone and purchased two joint motel rooms, one for himself and Sam, and one for you. You had tried to pay for it with your own money, but Dean wouldn't let you. He'd then (once he'd gotten the rooms) thrown you the keys, saying that you were next door to him and Sam, which is pretty handy, in case of emergency. You'd followed the brothers into their motel room first though, resting on one of the beds. Apparently, as you and Dean had been driving your own cars, Sam had been on his phone and laptop, doing much needed research for the next case. That's why you had followed them into their room, for information on the next hunt.

Now, you were sat patiently as Sam loaded his laptop. He sat on the opposite bed, long legs stretched out; Dean came and sat on his bed--Sam seemed to have chosen his already--next to you. He gave you a small smile and turned his head in Sam's direction, ready to ask Sam for information.

"Go on Sam. What's the lead?" Dean proceeded to ask, you waited for Sam's answer--which came pretty quickly.

"David Grassland, 42, died by a frozen heart; no known cause. He was found in his bedroom, nothing out of place, 'part from a chair knocked over and some books sprayed on the floor. His daughter walked in and thought he'd fainted or something, went to check if he was all right, found out he wasn't--not breathing." He types in something and then begins to read once again, "he's the second kill of the week, both of them having frozen hearts and there hadn't been a death--except natural caused ones--for over twenty years." He turns to look at you and Dean. "I think this is definitely supernatural related-frozen hearts and all." You mull over the information Sam had given you.

You ask, "so, who died first?"

"Marlene Greenwood. Also, forty-two, girlfriend, no children. She too died by a frozen heart. She, however was found by her partner, on the bathroom floor, nothing amiss." Sam looks up to you, your question answered.

"Connections?" Dean asks out of the blue. You'd been so into Sam's information, you'd forgotten he was next to you. Sam nods and starts listing them off.

"There's nothing else that jumps out shouting strange... same age, frozen hearts..." He makes a noise, "found somethin'. Apparently they both received a call right before they died, phone number untraceable. That seems weird, though it could be coincidence. Oh, and they both went to the same school." He nods, happy at the information he'd found. You and Dean both let out considering grumbles, puzzling over the details.

"I think it's a ghost, for sure." You input your idea. It seemed plausible. A ghost could easily freeze a heart-if it was angry enough. It wouldn't need a way into the house. It just made you wonder why exactly these two had been targeted by the ghost. It also made you question the phone call.

"Could be. That could be the reason behind the frozen heart and the phone call before their deaths."

"But why is he targeting them?" Dean questions, trying to figure out the motive behind the ghost. You jump up and start walking towards the door, turning around just before you leave.

"Suit up, boys." You walked next door. You'd previously seen the two brothers suited up, they definitely cleaned up well. Not to be harsh on Sam, but you felt Dean looked better in a suit than Sam. Though, you'd like to see Dean in his birthday suit, but you wouldn't tell him that. You got dressed fairly quickly, never forgetting your well faked badge and very real gun. Guns had taken you a while to get accustomed to after relying only on your grace, it was a strange changing, but you make do with what you have. You finished and walked outside, locking the motel room door after you.


"Shit, Dean!" Your soul nearly moved onto the other side, Dean had frightened you near to death and he could tell. He'd stood right behind you when he'd spoken, and God you hoped he caught some sort of curse... or maybe a dose of the plague. He laughed as he headed to his car.

"You should of seen (Y/n)'s face!" He exclaimed to Sam, who you could tell was trying to hide his laughter, he got in the Impala. Two can play at this game. You sat in the back seat and quietly brooded, plotted your revenge on Dean as he and Sam spoke over the phone about the girl you and Dean were going to visit -David's daughter, Kate, whilst Sam visited Marlene's partner.

The ride took about ten minutes. You got out and headed straight for the house the daughter lived in. You knocked and an answer came not long after. A girl who looked a little over eighteen answered the door. You and Dean immediately pulled out your badges and Dean automatically rattled off two names.

"Agent Lake and Fielding." He gestured to himself then you. "Can we come in?" She looked a little shocked at your appearance but opened the door and allowed you in, asking if you wanted a beverage. You both declined. She lead you into the living room, gesturing you to sit; you did.

"So, agents, what can I do for you?" Kate asks, upset showing on her attempt of a smile. You don't like this part -asking questions, you would prefer to leave people to grieve.

"It's about your father, David." Dean says, leaning forward. "We would like to ask some questions." She nods, her eyes cast down.

"Go ahead," she whispers. Dean nods to Kate and then you.

"Okay. Is there anyone that would want to hurt your father? Any enemies he might have?" She shakes her head, looking up to Dean.

"No. Everyone loved him." That usually seems to be the case.

"Anything weird happen, strange sounds, flashing lights?" You ask, full attention on the girl. She looked to you in question, as if you had caught her of guard. "What is it?"

"Lights," she nods, "the lights started flashing -but what does that have to do with my Dad?" You give a reassuring smile and reply easily.

"Routine questions; got to ask them."

"There was also a phone call." She spoke after a moment.

"A phone call?" Dean repeated in a question, now intrigued. Kate goes on to tell you and Dean how about ten minutes before her father died, he received a call from an untraceable, unrecognizable caller. The caller didn't say anything, there was just sounds of someone breathing. Kate says her father just thought it was a prank call or something like that, they hadn't thought anything about it. You then asked her (after several questions from Dean beforehand) if her father knew Marlene, as they died the same way, you needed to find better connections and link them with Sam's information.

"My Dad went to school with her, they were always so close. She was practically my auntie. When she died, Dad was distraught."

After thanking Kate for her time, you and Dean headed back to the motel, not long later, being joined by Sam.


"It's definitely a ghost." Sam voiced, as he sat by his laptop, a fruit smoothie in his hand. He'd fetched it on his way back, which you'd scoffed at the sight; you never had time for smoothies.

"How do you know for definite?" Dean asks, settling down with a cheeseburger, which Dean had grinned hungrily at -as if it was his next hook-up, and started scoffing it down like he'd never eaten before. You look at him a little wide-eyed, how could a man eat so quick and messily, yet look so good whilst devouring it? He looks up and meets eyes with you, a full-on-mouthfull-smile making its way onto his face. You shake your head at him, an amused smile on your face.

"As I was talking to Marlene's partner, ex-partner, I found out some interesting stuff- after a lot of crying had gone by first, though."

You nod, "and..?"

"Oh, yeah. So, get this, Marlene and David were friends, that both helped cover up a murder."

"Who was the victim?" Dean asks. Sam goes in his blazer pocket, pulling out a note pad. He flicks several pages in, until he finds what he needs.

"Salvador Paige. Died at the age of 17, extreme bully to David, Marlene and another, Laura King." He takes a breath. "I didn't get much more but it seems we have our ghost- Mr. Paige."

"Who's Laura King?"

"Is she alive?" You ask straight after Dean asks his question.

"Yeah, alive and well. She lives with her husband and kids a couple of streets away." He puts his notes back "It seems, from my information, that she's the next one Salvador is going after, and perhaps the last one."

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