Another Damn Alternate Universe (5/5)

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You stand there with your mouth hanging low. How could this be?

"Father," Gabriel cried, hugging God.

"You're alive," you start crying too. You thought he'd died, you thought he'd gone. Wait, what did Gabe just say? "You're God?" You question, perplexed.

He nods solemnly, "I'm sorry everything happened, I knew you could get through it with the boys, I had to step back." He brings you into a hug too. You felt dizzy, like you were going to fall. "Please don't faint, please don't faint." He repeats, nervously.

"I won't." You say truthfully, calming him.

"Now, Gabriel, I need you to bring back the rest of them, draw this sigil on the bunker door-" he puts his hand over Gabriel's eyes for a moment, "they will know to be there, pull them back and don't tell them who I am, they will find out in their own time " He ordered the last part to you both. "Go now."

You and Gabriel look at each other and to your luck, the Impala is close, you both jump in and drive away without question.

"I knew he wasn't dead!" You exclaim to Gabriel, looking at him with happiness.

"Yes. My father is back, I suppose he's going to help in the long run." You frown at Gabriel, he didn't seem very enthusiastic about God anymore.

"Are you not happy about seeing him?" You ask concerned.

"No- I am happy. It's just that he wasn't seen for so long, I really thought he was gone- forever." You move your hand over his and squeeze it, comforting him. He slowly looks down at the hands and a small smile spreads on his face.

"At least you know your father is alive, not dead." He nods and looks out the window, your hands still touching, the faint smile still on his face.


You and Gabriel get out of the car in a hurry, slamming the doors behind you. You had drove the Impala, speeding through red lights and going around corners, no caution used, 'til you arrived at the Bunker.

You both reached towards the Bunkers door, the door that God told Gabriel to draw the sigil on. You hoped to God that what He told you would work. You missed Sam, Dean and Cas. They are family and you don't give up on family.

You turn to Gabe, to see that he'd already started the sigil. He was doing a rough draft first.

"It'll be okay." He reassured you. You hadn't realised that you were shaking, worry taking over your body. Gabriel must of sensed it. He looks over his shoulder, grabbing your shaking hand. "We will get them back." He squeezed your hand then went back to the sigil.

Once it was done, you waited next to Gabriel. You both had hope in your eyes as you looked at the sigil.
"When will you pull them back." You ask Gabriel, bouncing on the balls of your feet.

"When I receive word." He takes hold of your hand once again, holding it tight.

You smile to him, waiting again.

"It's time." He says. The sigil lights up, a white glow emitting from the drawn lines and curves. You gasp and shield my eyes as the white light overpowers your senses, you feel Gabriel pull you into his body, hiding your face from the lights.

A moment passes until you hear two thumps and two flaps of wings.

"Ugh... what? (Y/n)?" You pull back from Gabriel, to see Dean and Sam laid on the floor with Castiel stood, pulling Sam up. Dean sat up to look closely at you. His eyes slide to Gabe, then back to you, a smile on his face. "Wait are we-"

"Yes!" You think before telling Dean you had help from God, instead going over and helping him up, giving him a hug. You turn to Sam and Cas, taking turns and hugging them both. After hugging Cas, you asked him, "how was it?"

He pauses before answering, "it was... a new experience." He left it at that, not expanding on it, only looking at Dean, then to the ground. You look to Dean with one eyebrow raised.

He doesn't say anything, but, "how did you get us back?"

You step back and then speak. "Well, uh, Gabriel thought up a sigil and remembered how it needed a powerful whatever to pull you back to our world, yeah, he suggested it to me, he drew it and uh, ta-da, he did it." You look to Gabe for a slight bit of help. He smirks.

"How did you know we were here?" Sam asks.

"Angel mojo." Gabe says, saving, whilst surprising you. Castiel turns to him, squinting his eyes and cocking his head to the side.

"Are you sure?" Cas asks.

"Psh, how else would I have known?" Gabe brushes it off. "Why did you go to the Bunker?" He asks back.

"That other witch, told us to come here."

"Huhuh." Everyone has a moment of looking at each other with suspicion in their gazes. Then Dean snaps out of it.

"Baby!" He shouts, running behind you and Gabriel. You turn around to see him slide his hand over the shining Impala, whispering to it as if it was real, as if it understood him. "There's no scratches Baby, she didn't hurt you." He slides into the car, holding the wheel with a large smile on his face. "Time to get back on the road!"

"Hells yeah!" You and Gabriel shout, going over to the Impala, followed by Sam and Cas. Sam, you and Gabriel sat in the back whilst Cas took shotgun.

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