Tag Thing

51 1 5

If tagged the rules are:

Tag thirteen people

Tag the user who tagged you

Answer all of the questions

And post the rules of this challenge as well


Number one: what's your favourite song by favourite band?

Mine would have to be... 'I'm So Sorry' by Imagine Dragons. It has a safe place in my heart or 'Bandaged Hand' by Louden Swain.

Number two: what's your favourite Wattpad book?

I have a few, at the moment a fanfiction called 'Le Nouveau (Destiel + fake husbands)' by museaway

Number three: what do you hate the most?

What I truly hate, so damn much, is exam results. Say I was to get a C (just pass the test) and a friend was to get a B/A (pass the test exceedingly) and I was happy about my results, super happy that I passed, but then the friend that got B/A starts frowning and saying they haven't done very well, that they did rubbish. This aggravates me so fucking much. Like, I got a C, LOWER than you and you got near enough full marks with a B/A and your complaining about getting a low result? It makes me feel so fucking stupid, so pissed off.

Number four: what's your favourite food?


Number five: Who do you go to when you get sad/mad?

I don't really go to anyone... I guess I just keep it hidden. I know, it's bad for me.

Number six: who is your favourite celebrity?

It's frickin' hard to choose but... Misha Collins. He's such an inspiration.

Number seven: what is the one thing you can't leave the house with?

My... phone...

Number eight: who is your favourite YouTuber?


Number nine: who is your favourite Viner?

Don't have one.

Number ten: what is your favourite Musically Song?

I have no clue.

Number eleven: who is your favourite Muser on Musically?

Don't know, not bothered about it.

Number twelve: What are you most likely to say to someone who is annoying?

A fellow student: shut the fuck up! or go the fuck away!

A family member: shut up.

Number thirteen: What do you do when you're bored?

I either watch Supernatural, draw or make Supernatural video edits.


I was tagged to do this by actualtrash666

Here are the 13 tags (random):





Erin_Writes_Books / Booper_Dooper1234567









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