Crowley's Missing

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You were oddly overly interested in hunting and the supernatural in general. Though you did hunt a little, the odd case here and there, you did, you found it interesting.

You always listen for any major supernatural events or something to busy yourself with. Being friends with the famous Winchester's helped, them being in the center to near enough every major supernatural event and all.

So, when they phoned you on the Saturday morning, saying that, the king of Hell, Crowley had gone missing, you were ready to go. They informed you because they knew that you and Crowley had a past- things happened, plus, they know you like to be at the top, knowing everything.

You'd thanked them for the information and started searching for any signs of the supernatural. (Maybe an unexpected earthquake or a giant tornado- things like that.)

You didn't find anything, so you assumed either Crowley didn't want to be found or the guy had been taken by someone. But, you asummed, as he is the 'great' Crowley, that he'd taken a vacation or something.

You did eventually find a lead, after a good week of searching. But you'd have to do some flying to get to the destination. So you packed your bags, got a passport and headed outside. You put your bags into the back of your car, then shut the boot. You quickly jumped into the drivers seat and turned on the ignition.

You didn't expect what happened a moment after to, you panicked a little. When you'd turned the ignition, a voice sounded from beside you, the voice in pain.

"I need your help."

You turned to look at Crowley in shock, seeing him covered in blood. Deep cuts went across his face, stab wounds in his stomach, burnt skin on his face, he looked like he'd had a party with sharp weapons.

It looked like he'd been caught by a hunter.

"Anytime now?" He asked quietly, attempting to put pressure on some of his wounds.

"There's a demon trap bullet in my stumach, got me as I teleported out." You nod, knowing what to do.

You quickly scrambled out of your car and raced up to your flat, you went into your kitchen, opening a cutlery drawer and grabbing two chopsticks. You went back down and over to him and placed the chopsticks in your hand ready.

His eyes widened a little, "never thought I'd have chopsticks in me." He attempts to joke as you plunge the chopsticks in, digging around for the bullet. You felt it against the chopsticks and gripped it, pulling it slowly out. He let out a breath as it popped out, falling on the ground. "So much better." You kick the bullet away and help partially carry Crowley up to your flat, luckily no one saw this transaction, or you would've been in trouble. You carefully pulled him onto a sofa.

You sigh and look him in the eye, "why do you get yourself into these sorts of situations?"

A lazy smile forms on his face, "I don't always, hunters drag me into them. Like you did."

"Y'know that was an accident, plus you lured me in with that voice of yours. I probably would've shot you, if I'd know who you were." You'd gotten some bandages and started to wrap a few of his deeper wounds.

"It wouldn't of stopped me."

"It would've stung you though." You say, smiling to him, then start another bandage. To be honest, you thought he was misunderstood. Those who thought he was cruel on the in and outside were wrong, he just has a hard exterior and a soft interior. You just had to know him in the right way.

"Yeah, I'd do it again." You look to him. "I've missed you (y/n). You know you'd still be with me if it wasn't for the Winchester's rolling in to save you." You shake your head, he was right though, you'd probably be down in Hell with him, deciding on some murderers' fate.

"Well, I'm here now."

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