Close Calls

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I always noticed the hungry looks I received from Dean. They may be brief but I see them. Like when I'm needed and Dean prays for me; I would appear, gaining a small longing look, light flashing in his eyes as the human looks into my eyes.

Sure I saw these looks, but I never acted upon them; I didn't know how. Am I supposed to go up to Dean and just state in his face: "Dean, I know how you feel about me, I feel the same back." Or was I to just wait for Dean to say something, make the first move, as I'd heard that is what it's called.

It looked like Dean had built some sort of wall in his head to stop him from acting on his feelings, I don't know. Perhaps he's ashamed to like a guy or should I say, celestial being? I know he hasn't told his brother about his tastes. How he swings both ways. One thing I try to avoid is reading his thoughts, I learned that it's impolite and disrespectful.

I have noticed some looks from Sam, when me and Dean may be having our little strange staring contests, he would look at us, from me to Dean, back to me and then he would roll his eyes, like our feelings are the most obvious things in the world. I swear I've seen him mouth: "just kiss already," adding a small sigh afterwards and then fleeing the room.

Whenever Sam left the room, Dean's face would gain a huge smile, lighting his whole face up. I'd have no choice but to smile back at him, then he'd wink and walk off. Still not making any moves. That is one thing I hate; how neither of us have made a move.

Currently, I'm not near Dean. I'm sat in a park, the summer's light floating upon me and the perfect breeze keeping me at a happy level of warmth. I close my eyes for a moment, stretching my wings out wide.

I can do that here, without knocking some innocent soul over, or hitting something. The park I chose is nicely populated, not hoarded with children and their parents, but just populated so I have room to move around with my wings out. (Though, most humans can not see them.) I spotted a bench and sat down in the middle, my wings to my sides.

I started to feel something faint then, something that got stronger as I listened. I knew straight away who it is and what he is doing, from the times before that he'd done this. Dean is praying to me. I latched onto his words, now hearing them as if I was wearing earphones.

"Cas, can you hear me? I hope damn well you can, 'cause you know I hate doing this. Anyway, Cas, we have a case and I- we need your input, so if you could get your feathered self and come join me... like now." I smiled at his prayer, I liked hearing him when he did pray, it may be rushed, frantic, but, I enjoyed it, listening to him.

"Hang on, Dean, I'm coming." I said aloud, gaining a glance of one stranger, probably wondering who I am talking to. As she turns back away, I take off, finding Dean easily through our bond.

I land with a flutter of my wings behind Dean like usual, as he complains about my whereabouts.

"Look, I told you he wouldn't come, the winged guy's probably got crap to do and-" I watched as his hands go up in gestures as he speaks about me to his brother, who I should mention is smirking, looking at me through the corner of his eye.

"Dean." Is all I say, in the familiar deep, gravelly voice he is none other, but used to. Dean spins around, an angry to relieved look on his face.

"Cas, c'mon, haven't I told you enough times not to do that?" He lost any anger that was in his features as I give him a small smile.

"Sorry, Dean." I walk past him and look at some papers and the laptop Sam had gotten out, information on the screen already. I look up to Sam then Dean, "what is it that you want?"

"We have a shape shifter problem, yet again and-" Dean's got a thing about being interrupted because in the next second someone from behind me grabs onto me, bringing an angel blade to my neck.

"Sammy!" Dean shouts horrified. I got confused then, this thing is not Sam, I can feel it.

"It's not-"

"Shut up, you bag of feathers!" The fake Sam shouts. I realised then what he is, a shape shifter. They had been hunting one and they must of lost it. But it was in front of Dean's eyes all along.

I mouth, shape shifter.

Dean looks at me with a small nod of his head. I feel the angel blade put pressure on the flesh above my heart.

"What are you doing? Why?" Dean questions as he reaches into his belt, pulling out his favourite silver pistol.

"Well, it's something like this: you and your brother are probably the best hunters around at the moment and... you haven't got many weaknesses, one big one is family, probably your biggest fear that, to see them go." The shape shifter looks to me, I feel his breath on my neck, though his next statement's for Dean. "I've got your brother."


"And this time I'm going to kill, this... angel is a good start and seens as he's more than family, much, much more, I'm going to take him away from you." He digs the blade in my chest some more. My head falls back at the burning pressure.

Dean points the gun at the shapeshifters head, "get off Cas!" He shouts. "These are silver fucking bullets, if you don't give me back Cas and my brother, they'll be in your head!" Dean threatens, the shape shifter doesn't move much, only moving his head behind Cas'.

"Whatever you say Dean." The shapeshifter presses the blade further into me, teasing me with pain.

"Shoot." I say quietly, hoping Dean heard me. He did as he looks into my eyes, anyone could see the worry in his eyes. I mouth, below my shoulder. He knows what I mean, it is the best chance he's got.

The shape shifter speaks again, "put the gun down, or I stab this angel."

Dean looks at me once again, I nod, unnoticeable to the creature holding me. It stabs me further, the blade entering me, I cry out. That's what triggers Dean.

The final words of the shape shifter are "drop the gun," as Dean doesnt, he shoots me below the shoulder, the impact of the bullet flying through me, into the shape shifter's chest. The creature does launch the blade slightly further into me, making me cry out once again and fall to my knees, taking out the blade immediately.

I hear the shapeshifter crash to the floor behind me as a look down at the shining white-blue light poor out of the small cut, it stinged like fuck, but I healed some of it.

"Are you alright?" Dean slides over to me, taking a hand off the cut, seeing the light shining out. He takes my head in his hands. "Are you alright?"

I nod reassuringly, "it's not the worst I've had." I remember the time I got stabbed and died... "We need to get to your brother he's probably in worse condition." I stand up, healing myself just enough to conceal the light. Dean gives you another worried look. "I'm alright."

"My brother! Are you coming?" He asks me. I nod to Dean.

We both run outside, jumping into Dean's '67 Chevrolet Impala and taking off to the nearest sewer. Half way through the drive, I rest my hand on Dean's thigh, rubbing it slightly, he looks to me, worry for his brother in his eyes.

"He'll be okay." I say reassuringly.

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