Back On The Throne

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*Just to let you know, there a slight small spoiler in this chapter, referring to Luci and another character, read at your own risk. Season 11. (Note that this is not what truly happens.)

You could fault him, you could cry because of him, you could be terrified of him, you could go to the pits of Hell because of him, but none of this stopped you from caring for him, even, loving him.

You sometimes craved him, his blonde hair and icy-blue eyes, or his smirk that drove you crazy, it was weird, give such a person, angel, that you could care for him.

You'd go to Hell just to see him, you'd actually tried once, asking Dean (your brother) if there was a way to enter Hell. Obviously, you hadn't told Dean why you wanted to go, but Dean's reaction if you would've been ten times worse. When you had asked, he looked at you like you'd grown two heads and started using very pretty language to describe the one word 'no'. After his colourful language, he'd called Sam, your other brother, ending up with a similar 'no', though it wasn't as explicit.

One thing you know, is that you're not going to Heaven, you're not going to have a nice world of you're own when you die, you are going to rott away in the deep fires of Hell, where torture lives and breaths. You didn't care to be honest, maybe you'd see him.

As your brothers are hunters, you had caught on pretty early, learning about their different cases, the goodies, the baddies, the ons on the fence between loyal and deceitful. You always pay attention when Lucifer is mentioned, taking mental notes of his behaviour, the way he is. The boys hadn't seemed to notice your slight obsession.

You and Lucifer had met before, spoken before, but that was before he was put back in the cage by your brothers. You tried discreetly to stop them, but as always, they succeeded in their mission. That was a long time ago now, old news that you wanted back, needed back.
He said he'd come back.

It's early morning when you're woken up, Sam had sent you to sleep whilst he waited on Cas to take Dean aboard some boat, for a hand of God or whatever. You found Cas' attitude a slight bit wierd, he seemed a little different, you couldn't place your finger on it though.

You got dressed into simple black skinny jeans, an old pair, a black vest and a plaid shirt over it, you pushed your hair back into a quick ponytail and then headed into the main room of the Men of Letters' bunker.

"Hey, Sam, Dean... Cas." Your eyes hover over each being as you walk Into the room, paying close attention to Cas as he sat with his trenchcoat off, his sleeves rolled up and his tie off, his hair messier than usual. This is wierd for the angel, but saying that he's under a lot of stress. You'd noticed recently his strange behavior.

"Hey (y/n). You alright?" Sam asks as you sit next to Cas, a strange feeling of recognition filling you, you turn to Cas a moment, seeing him having an incredibly interested look upon his face, he seemed different.

"I... I'm good- I guess." You gain a look of confusion on your face, as Cas does a very familiar smirk your way.

"You sure?" Dean comments. You carry on staring at Cas, not hearing anything Dean or Sam say, all your senses are pointed at Cas. As your eyes widen a little, 'Cas' winks, realisation hits you in the face.

You mouth "no way."

"Hey (y/n)?!" Dean shouts.

"Yes, yes! What?" You turn to Dean, he gives you the same look as when you said you wanted to go to Hell.

"You're crazy!"

"That's why I'm going to Hell." Dean walks out of the room, anger floating around him. You look to Sam, who has a disapproving look on his face. "What? It's true!" He walks out too.

As soon as they are both earshot away, you turn to 'Cas', finding him right behind you.

"Long time, no see, babe." His 'Cas' voice drops into one that associates more with his main vessels'.

Lucifer is back.

Your arms go straight around him in as hug, he returns it.

"I've missed you, oh my God, to say I've missed the Devil, I must be smoking some lethal shit." You say as your face is dug in his chest.

"Nah, this is all real (y/n). All of it." He places a kiss in your hair, "I said I would come back, now... I just need my old vessel back, which shouldn't be too hard." You pull back and look up at Lucifer. Staring into his eyes, though this was Cas' vessel, you could slightly see Lucifer, with his smirk. He still had his arms around you when Sam walked back in, Dean following.

"Uh, guys..." Dean gestures to you and 'Cas', "what's going on?" A jealous look falls upon his face.

"I think they're hugging." Sam whispers, not too quietly. Lucifer pushes out his hand and snap his fingers.

This time you take a step back, taking in your surroundings. Dark walls, a big throne, a sinister feeling. You know where you are, somewhere you'd been trying to access for so long.

"Hell..." You say outloud.

"You got it, babe." He smirks and walks over to the throne, crossing one leg over the other, leaning on his fist, yet keeping his smirk all the time. "Welcome. It feels so good to be here, actually sit on my own throne." He flicks his wrist, pulling a chair over beside him, "take a seat."

You do just that, walking over with a smile and taking a seat in the chair, which was actually quite comfy.

"By the way, it seems Dean was jealous back there, Cas and Dean seem to have been copulating before I took over this body, I think it's the coat or the hair..." He looks up then, "Paimon bring my vessel in!" He orders, his voice loud and demanding. A second later, no longer, a demon walks in, wearing the classic black suit and cocky smirk. You think over what Luci just said, it's believable. You had suspected it. Dean and Cas seem to have been close.

"Here." The demon, Paimon, gestures to a limp body known as Nick, being carried in by two other demons.

"Hm..." Lucifer mutters as he walks over to Nick, lifting up his chin and once again, smirking. "Okay!" He lifts his head back, ready to return to his old vessel.

"Wait!" You cry, Lucifer spins around, an eyebrow rised.


"Will Cas be okay?" You ask, rising from your chair walking up to him. "He's like one of my best friends. I can't lose him." You spoke quietly.

Lucifer looks down at you, his eyes searching your own. Looking at him, you saw no jealousy, no anger that you cared for Cas.

"He'll be fine, I'll return him after, are you now happy?" You smile in return and Lucifer pushes pack his head and expells himself from Cas' vessel. You help guide Cas to the floor as Lucifer takes possession of Nick. You see Cas' eyes open and you smile.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes." He rises, his cheeks lightly red, spinning around and looking at Lucifer, who now is back to his old vessel, a small smirk on his lips. "Brother." Cas says, before flying away, he speaks directly at you, "be careful."

"Wasn't that a fun heap of joy?" He walks over to you, placing his arm around your shoulders, hugging you into his side. You squeeze him back. "You want to help me here? We can also go up top too... visit every now and then."

"What about my brothers, and Cas?"
"You can visit them... without me." He looks away a moment.

You nod, "seems about right." You both take seats again.

"First up, we need some weapons."

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