Another Damn Alternate Universe (3/5)

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"So, you're telling me that Supernatural is real? I'm actually the king of Hell in another universe." Everyone nods.

You took Mark- you found his name quite quickly- into the trailer and explained simply what happened, the cliff, the fall.

"And you plan to tell J2, Misha, Rich and Morgan this too?" You all nod again. "You're joking, you're playing me."

"Why would we joke about something so serious? We're certainly not playing you." Cas said, his head to the side, looking at Mark in confusion.

"To be honest, Misha wouldn't last this long anyway." He says, almost as if, to himself.

"Is that an insult to m-fake me?" Castiel stands close to Mark, towering over him.

"It's a joke... Castiel." Mark say, keeping his head held high.

"Stop thinking you're God all high and mighty, just settle and let's sort this out." The boys move away from each other, you mutter, "we've already had that episode." You let out a breath. "Okay, we have ten minutes 'til the... actors arrive. How do you think they will react, Mark?"

He takes a seat and shrugs before talking, "well, Morgan," he nods at you, "she's just gone home, the others are here. I think J2'll take it openly, I mean they've been doing this show for more than ten years, with all the law they've come across... Misha and Rich, they'd be surprised... but they'd take it."

So you're not meeting yourself, you felt oddly relieved, though it's going to be interesting to meet 'J2', 'Rich' and 'Misha' as Mark called the actor's.

You all talked with Mark for a few minutes, discussing about what is real in the alternate universe and how they are stuck here, 'til they find away home. Mark seems to take it alright, all the information, he was laid back.

Then Dean and Sam decided to check out Jared's trailer, as they'd seen Jensen's already, with his music, huge fish tank and the giant helicopter. You'd told them to be quick, if they wanted to meet themselves anyway.

"What is it like here, with nothing supernatural?" Castiel asks, now sitting next to Mark at an angle.

"There isn't as much a sense of adventure, I don't think, apart from life. We find the supernatural... entertainment."

"Oh, at least there is less chance of being mauled on by, say, a werewolf."

You smirk a little at his sentence.

You sit a moment in silence, Mark looking at Castiel with curious intrest- meeting an angel, well ex-angel (at the moment) must be strange.

After another minute or so, the trailer door opens and in walks Jared and Jensen. You could tell as they were wearing different clothes.

They'd walked in laughing, Jensen half way through a sentence, 'til stopping abruptly, when seeing us.

"Is this a convention? I thought these are only on tv shows?"

"Jensen," you reply shortly. "Sit down." You direct.

He gives you a look, but follows your instructions anyway.

"Are you okay?" Jared asked, sitting next to Jensen. He looked over at Mark and then Castiel, trying to think of what scenario this is.

"I'm not Morgan." You say shortly, each word pronounced as fully ad possible.

"What do you mean?"

"Here we go..." Mark mutters in the background.

"Uh, gosh, well, about an hour ago-" The trailer door opens, cutting you off and in comes Misha and Richard, Misha held his head down as he walked in and Richard just stared at everyone, openly not fussed at the extra Richard and Misha.

Misha lifts his head up and stops, seeing Cas. He blinked a few times, before a smile cracked upon his face.

Jared and Jensen looked from him to Castiel numerous times and Marks small smile grew a little larger, humour held his face.

"Nice one guys, once again your pranks amuse me. Where'd you find a look a like?" He walks up to Cas, Cas stands up.

"Hello, fake me." Cas' voice deep, a small nod following, he focuses on Misha.

"Wow." He starts to circle Cas.

"(Y/n), I don't like this, it feels like those dogs are circling me again." You nod and tap Misha on the shoulder.

"This is Castiel, I am (y/n), thats Gabriel-" the trailer door opens once again, in comes the Winchesters. "-and these two are Sam and Dean Winchester."

Everyone looks at each other, each pair of dopple-gangers staring at each other.

"Damn, I'm hot!" Dean comments first. Everyone turns to him, apart drom Castiel, who stays looking at Misha, intrigued.

In fact, Castiel, so intrigued, walks up to Misha and prods him with one figure. Misha turns around to look at him, a smile on his face.

"Always wondered what it's like seeing myself like this." Misha says, as yet again, Castiel prods him.

"Quit prodding him Cas." You tell him, trying to hold in a laugh.

"But I'm- he's so cute, like a puppy!" All the dopple-ganger pairs and you and Mark laugh at Castiel's remark.
"I guess I should say thank you, for the complement." Cas just leaves a hand on Misha's shoulder in respect, then turns to everyone else, "now we're all here, we can fill everyone in with the details, but the main question is how do we get back home?"

Details filled in, everyone thinks. Sam being the first one to speak, his cleverness usually showing everyone up.

"Last time we were in this sort of situation, it took Raphael to pull us out because there is no supernatural -that we know of- here, so, I believe we need someone with a lot of power to pull us out."

"But, how would we get the message to that person, or whomever, that we need help?" Misha asks. You look around to see if anyone has any ideas.

"Is there any people who believe they can contact spirits or channel energy?" You ask, an idea popping into your head.

"What- a witch?" Jensen asks.

"Yeah." Jensen looks to Jared and Mark.

"Well, I know of two 'witches' close by who are thought to be 'real'. I guess we could check them out."

"Okay, cool. We need to split up." You Jensen seem to have taken the lead here.

"Okay. Uh, I'm going, Jared I think you should stay with Dean, so we ain't missed."

"Richard and Misha, can you do some research." They nod. This was going easy.

Jensen talks this time. "Mark and I know where to go so we can split up. Mark- take Sam and Castiel with you, I'll take the other two." As an after thought he says, "I'll text you which witch to go to." He nods, now done and turns to us. "Lets go."


Will be continued after next two chapters.

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