Angelic Hunter (2/?)

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Does my book cover look blurry? 'Cuz on my Samsung it does, but on my iPod (which I made the cover on) it doesn't.


You took a large gulp of your second beer you had received since sitting down at a table, enjoying the familiar burn of the alcohol at the back of your throat. You had to admit that angels truly were missing out on so much. Sam sat across from you, whilst Dean was waiting for his beer. He was looking at you intrigued from over at the bar -you guess from knowing the fact that you're an angel that hunts- whilst Sam, looked around, slightly cautiously for anything peculiar, most likely Gabe and his tricks. You wanted to know what sort of trouble Gabe had caused with two brothers in front of you -or maybe just Sam? You're pretty interested to say the least, as you knew of Gabriel's antics, his tricks. You had actually been on the receiving end of said tricks several times, though, these usually ended up in laughter. You knew how you felt about Gabriel, you liked that he was an angel different from the others, not as conceited, enjoyed himself.

"So, Sam-" his eyes snap to you, "what did my tricky friend do to you?" You placed your bottle down and crossed your arms on the table, interest evident in your expression. Sam lets out an annoyed breath, at the memories, you guessed. He casts a look at Dean, who was currently paying for the beer.

"Well, your tricky friend decided to throw us into 'TV land', he killed Dean repeatedly, in what I thought was a 'mystery spot' -Dean doesn't remember that though, and then there is a few other things he's done." You nod your head in understanding.

"He does like to piss about." You ask laughing a little, "poor Dean though, how many times?"

Sam doesn't give a hint of a smile as he replies with, "over a hundred."

"Oh," you murmur as Dean takes a seat once again, beer to his lips in a gulp. You've gotta say that's slightly too many times for a person to die. You gave Dean a sorry look, silently apologising for finding it funny, even though, you now know Dean doesn't know of what happened.

Dean speaks up, "so, where we gonna find the guy? We know he can hide himself, so how's it gonna work?"

"I'd say I've already come up with a plan: but I haven't." You admit, a tad bit annoyed.

"Well, we know he goes after pompous guys, so why don't we use that, trail some douches?" Dean suggest, you shrug, same with Sam. There's nothing else springing to mind.

"Right, we'll split up then, I-" you start to say.

"I'll accompany (Y/n)." Dean interjects, standing and following you, "wouldn't want the girl to get hurt now, would we?" Sam rolls his eyes and with a wave he's gone.

"I'm fully capable on my own. I am an angel -just 'cause I don't have my wings or grace, does not mean I can't kick ass." He walks away in front of you.

"I'll believe it when I see it," he calls over his shoulder. You huff and follow the older Winchester. Just as you spot Dean heading to the 'Cuda, he shouts, "shotgun!" climbing into the passenger seat. You were about to point out that there is no one else around to take shotgun, so his comment was pointless, when he honked the horn to hurry up. Shaking your head you climb into your car and drive away after a quick conversion of who you're going to visit.

You and Dean sat in your car, which you'd parked on the other side of the street, opposite the house where your current suspected target lived. You were calmly observing the house, when you felt Dean start moving around in his seat. You turn your head to him, to see what on earth he was messing about at. You watched in entertainment as he let out a 'shit'. He bent over the side of his seat, obviously looking for something. He then mumbles about dropping his phone. You ignored him and focused on the house.

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