Two Different Angels (5/?)

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Dean got me and himself a beer, offered Castiel one - who thanked him for the offer, but didn't take it -and sat down on a chair and looking at the knife.

"What is it?" He questions, opening the beer in his hands.

"A knife -that is mine. Why?" I sit at the opposite end of the table from him, placing the box on the table with the beer Dean had given me.

"Like I said, I couldn't open it, I went at it for friggin' hours, Sam too, never could open it though." He shakes his head. "Is it... something of use?" As he says this, Castiel takes a seat by my side.

"Not for you. Me, yes." I slide my hand over the box.

"Can I see." He looks at it with interest. It seems like the temptation was already beginning to pull at him, lure him in.

"No." Is all I say to him.

"Why? C'mon, I'm not gonna knick it." He puts his hands out in annoyance. Castiel shuffles closer to me and the blade.

"You most likely will." Dean looks a little shocked at that comment from Cas. "Because there's a temptation to touch it, the darkness pulls any being towards it- I can even feel the pull." Dean looks annoyed and sits back on his chair, still admiring the blade in my hands.

He mumbles under his breath, "why would I take it? It's not that nice..." he rises suddenly and walks out the room.

"Is he okay?" I ask Castiel, who'd somehow managed to move closer without me noticing.

"It's the past, he's had his own -let's say, special weapons. He got attached and it didn't go well." I nod in understanding. Weapons are dangerous inventions. I place the blade back in its box, locking it with the slide of my hand.

"Whilst in here, it won't attract anyone." Castiel moves away a little. "It was working on you." I smile to Castiel and get up, walking to the original place I found the box, I place it there and leave it, turning back to Castiel with a sigh. "I will tell you what I can do with this, if I was to wield it against the Darkness..." I walk over to Castiel, looking down at my feet.

"Amitiel, what is it?"

"Well, I can cause harm to the Darkness with the blade." I look up with a smile. "Not entirely though. But, with help from Angels -superior beings, I can disable her from doing further destruction to the world. With the help from God -if he appears, we could shut her away forever."

Castiel looks at me with wide eyes, "but I couldn't find him... how could we?"

"I think I can find him. I know he's posing as a human, and at the moment, I know that he likes writing." I close my eyes, going to my thoughts, thinking who it could be. "I think I heard that you have met him, but he was hidden in front of your eyes."

"He likes writing?"

I nod, "Yes." Castiel rises and suddenly disappears, just as Sam walks in.

"Where'd he go?" Sam takes a seat opposite me, laptop placed in front of him. He glances up at me.

"I don't know." Sam frowns, nods and look back at his laptop. I had learnt that Sam was basically glued to his laptop - well In the time I've been here - and that he is - let's say - smarter in many of his decisions than Dean. They sort of trust me now, I think they are just doing it for Castiel, I'm not fully sure, otherwise they are quick to trust -which I doubt.

"He does disappear a lot." Sam states as he clicks some of the keys.

"We were practically in the middle of a conversation." I say back. It was strange, disappearing when I was talking about something important - God. Maybe... maybe Castiel knew who God is posing as, that's why he disappeared? "We were talking about the Big-G."

Sam looks up, "God? Why?"

"Can I trust you?" He nods firmly. "I can help kill Amara, yet I need Him. I was telling Castiel what I know of him -then, he just proofed away."

"What do you know of God?"


"Here." Castiel suddenly says, appearing with the sound of wings, with his hand firmly wrapped around a man's arm. "This is... Chuck." Cas said, directing his words at me, with a little hesitancy to his them.

"Cas, let go." The short man- Chuck grumbles, but Castiel keeps his grip.

"Why have you brought him here, Cas?" Sam says standing, "Is something wrong?" Dean walks back in, frowning at the sight of Chuck, he slows his pace and stops next to Sam, a look of question on his face.

"This is God." Everyone goes silent, staring at Castiel and Chuck. Though, Chuck is quick to disrupt the silence.

"What are you talking about Castiel, c'mon, let go." Castiel stands his ground, an irritated look on his face. Before he could speak, I took a step forward.

"Why are you lying?" I whispered. I could feel his lie in my blood, flowing thickly and heavily. A big lie.

Chuck looks at me with wide eyes, as if just noticing it was me. Hadn't he helped me out not long ago. His big blue eyes stare into my own eyes, almost as if he was frightened to speak the truth.

"We are among friends," I look around at each being, "yes?"

Chuck nods.

"Okay." He lifts his free arm and runs his hand down his face. "It's true. I'm sorry." Castiel finally lets go, shifting uncomfortably. I'd heard of his early - attempt of finding God, how it had gone wrong, how things had happened. So it must of been a shock to be in the same room."Amitiel. Wh-what if I can't help you alone?" He looks down, "What if I need someone else to help?"

"Wait, hold on- you're God? You're God!?" Dean shouts, his anger bubbling, Chuck turns to him, a sad look shadowing him. "How dare you decide you can help - even if it's a little. How dare you. You haven't helped at all, and now you decide, "oh, look, they survived the apocolyse - that was a chip-off-the-block, oh, Lucifer, nah, Metatron, nada." What about Cas? Nope, you let him die, you couldn't even clean him of the Leviathans! You let him die! You come now, forced to help by the Angel you did end up saving. You came because you had to, you came not because you want to help, but because you were dragged here to!" Dean takes a breath. "You are pathetic, you are no help, you wouldn't even be here now, if it wasn't for Cas." After Dean's outburst he walks away, he doesn't leave, he just goes and sits in his own, raking a hand through his hair.

Chuck follows Dean with his eyes, his head turning as he watched him walk away. "Dean, I'm sorry, but you have to understand-"

"Understand! Understand what?" Dean throws his hands in the air. "Understand that you couldn't be bothered to help your creation in its time of need? Understand that you are useless and that you never wanted to help?" Dean's eyes shone with tears

"No, Dean." Chuck shakes his head. "My help wasn't truly needed. You did it." He looks at Castiel and Sam too, "you all saved the world. Repeatedly."

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