"Live a Little" -Sabriel

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This next one is short.


"Gabriel, leave me alone." That's all Gabe got for trying to have fun; people whining at him.

"Aw, c'mon, live a little." He finished the lollipop that he'd been sucking on for the past ten minutes and made the left over rubbish disappear.

"I am not jumping off the bridge!" Sam shouted back, taking steps back and starting to undo his harness.

"Saaaam." Gabe whined right back. "Just jump! If the harness breaks, I'll swoop down and catch you." Gabe stands on the ledge of the bridge, looking down at the river that passes underneath, over a hundred foot below.

"I don't trust the harness." Sam said stubbornly, crossing his arms in a childish manner. Gabriel jumps down from the ledge, walking over to Sam and putting a hand on his shoulder, he suddenly gets serious.

"If you jump, I'll give you a lollipop." Sam shoves Gabe's hand off his shoulder.

"Is that supposed to change my mind?"

"Well, yes. Oh well, Sammy, guess I'll do it myself." Sam looked at Gabe, he furrows his brow.

"You're not wearing a harness." A sly smile appears on Gabe's face, a plan hidden for himself only.

"You misunderstood me." With those three words, Gabriel's plan was unleashed, Sam then knew exactly what Gabe is going to do. He starts backing up, hands in the air.


"Yes, Sammy-boy." With a snap of Gabe's fingers, Sam stands on the ledge, his harness felt tighter and his stomach turned as he looked down.

"I'm going to die." He looks up at the sky.

"That's no problem, you've done it before." As Sam turns around, Gabe pushes him, Sam falls with a shout (maybe even a scream.) He could hear Gabriel's laughter over the wind, which shot around him. He watched the water get closer and closer, until his nose practically touched the water, he then shot back up with a sharp tug. It slightly winded him, but not much.

Gabriel could see the distress on Sam's face at first, but he also saw how there was a small smile making its presence known. He chuckled and shouted, "you, go Moose." He heard a small amount of laughter escape Sam.

When the rope had stopped, no bounce left, Gabriel snapped his fingers and Sam appeared next to him on the ledge, Gabriel also harnessed now. Sam's face is flustered, his cheeks red, his hair seemed to have kept its natural shape and bounce. That's one thing Gabe is jealous of, Sam's hair.

Gabriel smiled, "you look hot!" He exclaimed, looking up at Sam.

"Gabe-" Gabriel interrupts him.

"No. I'm serious, Sam." Gabriel looks into Sam's eyes, the whiskey eyes fixing on Sam's truly unique ones.

"Gabe-" Once again Sam is interrupted. Gabriel pulls Sam down towards him, pulling Sam's lips to meet his own in a kiss. Sam hesitated at first but soon started to react more, with hunger. The kiss was definitely passionate on both sides, now Gabriel was wrapped around Sam, Sam holding him up, tight.

That's when Sam foot slipped of the bridge's ledge and he went down over the bridge, pulling Gabe with him. They fell together, holding the other tightly, Gabe smiling with Sam as he tucked himself in closer to Sam. They reached the bottom, both feeling the pull and both letting out a grunt ad they shot back up.

This time when Gabriel snapped his fingers, he made sure they were away from any ledges. Instead they ended up in Dean's car, the back seats. And, Sam being Bigfoot, just squeezed in, as Castiel was in shotgun. Dean looks over his shoulder at them.

"Have fun?" He says with a knowing smile, then turning back to the road. Sam look at Gabriel with a smile.

"Yeah, you can say that."

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