Dean's Pudding and Pie

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Just gonna warn you, this one contains violence/abuse, explicit profanities, very strong homophobia and thoughts of suicide.


Cas felt every punch, every kick, every profanity hit him straight in the heart. Not just physically, but mentally, he was being beaten, he wanted to give up. He felt dirty. A mistake. In that moment he wanted to die. This wasn't the first time he'd been beaten - never as bad, but not the first time. He'd thought he was safe from it, Cas thought that this wouldn't happen again.

All of this because he's gay. The attackers had pounced on him once he'd left Dean's Pudding & Pie, one of the best gay clubs around. Cas'd been thrown to the ground and for some reason, Cas hadn't put up a fight. He only wrapped his hands around his head, attempting to block the kicks from hitting his head, but doing that earned him several broken fingers. He tried to block out the profanities driving him insane, but he just couldn't. He laid there, in the middle of the alley, being beaten to death.

"Faggots should die!" One of the three shouts. Another guy kicked him in the spine, gaining a strangled cry from Cas, his back now surely bearing bruises and possible cuts. "You're not fucking right! You're disgusting!" Tears fell heavily down Cas' face, every tear filled with so much pain, hurt, fear. If they didn't stop, Cas knew that this will be where he dies.

Another kick.

Cas shouted out.

Another punch.

Cas curls in on his self more, the movement gaining notice.

Another kick.

If Cas had any hope of being helped, it slowly diminished. With his eyesight starting to darken, he slowly loses consciousness, only hearing a foreign shout.

"Hey! What are you fuckers doing?!" Dean ran forward towards the three guys, he didn't hesitate to throw a punch at the first guy who came in sight. The hit landed directly on his jaw, knocking the guy back. "Who the fuck, do you-" Dean grips the collar of the guy, throwing another punch- "think" another punch, "you are?" Dean goes to throw another punch, but a second of the three guys grab onto Dean, pulling him onto the ground.

"Someone trying to clean this place of dirty gits like him." The attacker throws a look at Cas on the floor, a look of disgust on his face.

"Get off me, you dick!" Dean shouts, scrambling to his feet, ready for a punch his way. "Clear off. If anyone's a 'dirty git', it's you!" The attackers look at each other, before taking a step forward. "You're idiots." Dean puts his fingers to his mouth, and whistles. In the next moment, a few guys come out of the club's exit. They all gang up on the attackers.

Dean had heard the cry of the dark haired guy on the ground, he'd come out of his club immediately spotting the attackers. Dean had no tolerance for low life abusers, he had no idea why a man could be attacked for being gay. There's nothing wrong with being gay, there's no need to attack someone, anyone.

As Dean's bouncers gang around the attackers, (who currently were backing away), he hurries over to the man on the ground. As Dean places his hand on Cas' shoulder, the man curls tighter in on himself, consciousness coming back to him.

"Hey. Hey, it's okay. They're going... they're gone. You're safe." Dean keeps his voice soft as he keeps a hand on the Cas' shoulder, reassuring him.

Cas slowly moves his hands from his face and opens his eyes. All he's met with is the brightest, sparkling, emerald green eyes that he'll never, ever forget. Dean looks down at the man with gorgeous depthy blue eyes with a soft, small smile on his face.

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