New Inmates

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I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything for weeks! I haven't had any ideas at all.


Dean stared down at the plate of food before him, deciding whether or not to indulge in it, but then again, the served up vegetables looked puke-worthy, and the meat didn't look cooked, so the likelihood that Dean would actually eat the meal, was most likely not happening. He played around with a bit of lumpy mash, not having an appetite at all now. He let out a long sigh, raking a hand through his hair.

He looked up then, at the sound of the large metal gates opening. Two new inmates, followed by four officers, walk into the large hall, stopping a little way in. Dean took his time to suss out the two men, who stood straight, frowns on their faces.

The guy on the left, a taller man -definitely over 6' - looked quite beaten up, with a rather large blue-purple bruise forming around his eye, a jagged cut along his jaw and a cut also on his forehead. His knuckles are split and red with dried blood, obviously from punching someone. His hair which was quite lengthy - though not too long, is messy.

The guy next to him however, did not look so bad. His only clear injury was a little cut on his left cheek, though his knuckles - on only one hand - had some dried blood on too. He's pretty good looking with dark brown hair that also was a mess and bright blue captivating eyes, Dean was stunned by the guy. He blinked and begun thinking.

Had Blue-eyes and the Tall-guy been in a fight?

Dean guessed they had been -well, not fighting each other anyway. He suspected that -as the two men seemed to swap looks, filled with coded messages- they were perhaps... friends. Dean didn't know for sure though.

Dean kept his eyes on the two men as he rose from his empty table and took his still-full plate to the bin, where he emptied away the foul looking food. The two men looked around the room, seeming as if they were already plotting a way out, or maybe just looking around, but Dean could see how calculating their gazes were, how they had seemed to have done this before.

Maybe they had?

Dean made his way back over to the table he was at, throwing a look over his shoulder at the two men. When he did, he found the man with blue eyes, is focused on him, squinting at Dean. Dean sat back down and stared right back, defiance in his stare.

The four guards shove the two men forward, then turn and walk away, closing the gates behind them. This got the blue eyed man to elbow the taller guy to get his attention. He cast his eyes over to Dean and his empty table, the taller man nods. They start walking over to Dean.

They sit to the right of him, still next to each other and focuses on Dean.

"What do you want?" Dean asks, not sure whether he wanted to talk to these two guys.

"To talk." The taller guy replied, a small smile on his face. He seemed nice now, his features had gone soft, though his eyes would flicker around the room every now and then. He seemed like a man you don't want to be on the wrong side of.

"About?" Dean asks, with a raised eyebrow. These two guys had started to look more familiar, now Dean got a close up.

"I'm Sam Winchester and this is Castiel." The tall guy points to himself and then at the dark haired guy, as if Dean was supposed to know them. He noted that the shorter, good-looking guy, had no last name. Unusual, he thought. Dean looks at Sam a little confused.

Dean mutters "Winchester..." under his breath, as if trying to grab at a long forgotten box. He furrows his 'brows in confusion.

Why does that name sound so familiar?

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