Saved -Destiel

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Finally, a proper Destiel one...



He sat there in the corner, knees pulled up, chin resting on them, arms wrapped around his legs and back curled forward. He'd always stay there with tears running endlessly down his muddy cheeks for hours at a time, teeth chattering at every harsh breath, his pain exhilarating, pain excruciating and all because he fell.

Because he became a Fallen angel.

He rocked slowly back and forth, wishing God would help him. But why would he? He was the one who kicked him out, after all. God threw him out like a piece of trash. Maybe, instead of God, his friends would save him, Sam and... and Dean. Maybe Dean would come to his rescue, save him from this hellish situation he's in.

Cas didn't count on it. He didn't believe they cared enough to want to save him, for all Cas knew, he was just used for his power. Being in this place made him think like this, the opposite of the truth, made him believe false theories.

Crowley would sometimes visit with a few demons, letting them loose at Cas and then just laughing, he would always have a remark to say, like: "Bloody 'ell, Cas, you look terrible" or, "they aren't coming for you, I've got them on my side," always something that would put Cas down, further into his pit of misery. Crowley would use illusions of Sam and Dean rescuing him, Dean mostly. 'Dean' would walk in and start telling Cas how much he didn't care, how he wasn't going to help, how he wasn't real. And Cas believed every word. Sometimes 'Dean' would say how much he cares for Cas, whilst hurting him.

He sits there in near silence, his sobs the only sound.


"I can't find him!" Dean stormed into the room, with his phone in hand, looking at Sam with anger that masked his fear. "Apparently, I can't summon him." Dean shuck his head, "he won't even answer my prayers!"

Sam stood up, a sad look on his face, "maybe he can't because he's busy... or he doesn't want to come." Dean lowered his head. "What if he just can't reply, what if he's being stopped from seeing you." That made Dean look back up, worry in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" His voice goes a little hostile, his features hard, he squints his eyes.

"It's been weeks... and even Cas doesn't leave for that long without some sort of communication, right?" Sam approaches Dean with his words carefully, not wanting to trigger anything. Dean nods thoughtfully. "What if he's been taken?"

"That doesn't get us any closer! What if he has? Where do we look?" Dean says, panic now evident in his voice.

"Why don't we start with Crowley. He's usually got some sort of part in the bad." Dean looks at Sam for a moment before he starts moving. He grabs his phone from his leather jacket and immideatly dials Crowley's number.

"King of Hell, what's your deal?"

"Where's Cas?" Dean demands right away.

"Should I know? Wait, I know everything." He pauses. "He's down here, with me, in Hell."

"Why the heck is he in Hell!?" Dean shouts, confusion and upset coming off strongly from his words.

"Oh, you don't know." He answers in clipped sentences. "He fell. God gave him the boot. No more wings. No angel powers. No anything. Straight. To. Hell."

"No..." Dean hangs up and rushes to grab his keys. "I'm going to get him!"


Dean killed several demons as he made his way to Cas. Crowley never appeared to stop Dean on his mission, only sent more demons to kill or slow down Dean. Maybe Crowley knew that if he did go against Dean at this point, he would be no more, the King of Hell would die painfully. Maybe that's why he sent demons.

Dean had left Sam behind, telling him that Dean had to do this, that he needed to. He wanted Cas back. Sam had told Dean to be careful, offering to help Dean get back Cas, but Dean had told Sam to stay in the Bunker, safe.

Now, Dean stabbed the last demon, that was blocking him from Cas, his angel. The one angel he would always care for, always help when in desperate need. He knew that his feelings needed to be announced, maybe it was time for Dean to show Cas how much he actually cared.

He stopped a moment looking at the locked, chained door. Finally, he was going to see Cas again. He unlocked the chains in a rush, opening the door quick.


Cas shivered as he sat in the corner, his back resting painfully against the wall, his ripped skin on his shoulders aching as he pressed back into the wall. More proof that this is real, he thought. Tears still soaked his cheeks.

A sudden slam is heard by Cas, he lifts his head up from his knees to focus on the door. He knew what was coming now, he knew that pain was going to walk through that door and make him suffer for more and more hours.

The door opened, letting in a small amount of light. Cas' tears clouded his sight, but he could make out a man stood in the doorway, with a knife by his side. Cas watched in terror as the man took a step forward, light on his face. Cas sighed as he saw who it was, another illusion, another fake Dean.

The illusion ran forward, placing his hands on either side of Cas' face, dropping his knife to the ground. This has happened to Cas so many times, but every time, he would flinch, attempting to pull away and look down.

"Cas..? No..." Dean rubs a thumb over Cas' cheek, feeling the dampness from Cas' endless tears. "Look at me." He doesn't, he closes his eyes. "Castiel, look at me." This time Cas does, but Cas' next words hurt Dean, broke his heart.

Cas' voice is scratchy, painful to use, he speaks quietly, "you're not real." He looks back down. Dean lets out a sharp gasp, a tear running down his cheek.

"Yes, I am Cas, I am real." He pulls Cas' face up to look directly in his eyes. "Look at me, I'm real, I'm here, I'm saving you."

"That's what you said before, and before that." Cas lets out a breath, "aren't you going to hurt me now you've had your fun trying to trick me?"

Dean's eyes widen. "W-why would I hurt you?" Dean brings Cas' face closer to his own. "I'd never hurt you." Cas doesn't keep eye contact. "Cas, look at me." He does. "I'd rather do this than hurt you."

Dean brings Cas' lips to his own. Cas' eyes widen at this act. No other illusion did this. A loose tear falls down his cheek. Dean pulled away, placing his forehead on Cas'.

"I'm real." Dean breaths out. Cas nods his head, relief filling his whole weak body. Dean wraps an arm around Cas, helping Cas stand. Cas leans into Dean, Dean supporting Cas' weight. Dean helps lead him out of the room where Cas was tortured for hours. The room he experienced so much Hell in.


It took a while but eventually both Cas and Dean made it back to the Bunker, both exhausted, Cas obviously more than Dean. When they tumbled into the Bunker, Sam was by their side, helping keep Cas upright. They both walked Cas to Dean's room, laying Cas down on the bed, slowly and carefully. Cas groaned as his back came into contact with the bed. Sam soon left Dean and Cas alone.

"D-Dean?" Dean rushed over to Cas.

"Yes? Do you need something?" He placed a hand on Cas face once again. This time it was Cas who pulled Dean into a kiss. Tentative at first, then hungrily. Dean placed a hand next to Cas' head and delved deeper into the kiss that was long overdue. (Not counting the quick kiss in Hell.)

Cas pulled back a moment, to take in a breath. "Thank you, Dean." Cas said before attaching his lips to Dean's once again.

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