Two Different Angels (6/?)

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After things had... calmed down with Dean, he sat in silence, whilst the rest of us - Sam, Castiel, Chuck and myself - turned to look at each other. Dean didn't interrupt as we spoke, he just sat still, and quietly.

"I can't do it alone Amitiel." Chuck admits, not surprising me, that's why I have the dagger. I grab the box and hold it close.

"But I can help, I have the dagger that can wound her. Wouldn't it be enough?" Chuck shakes his head, a sad look on his face.

"To lock her away - forever - I need you and Charoum to help." My eyes widen, I shake my head straight away at the thought of releasing him.


"Don't think I can't control him." Chuck's eyes harden, he lifts his hand and snaps his fingers. Charoum appears on the floor, a blood stained nose. He stands quickly, giving a wide-eyed look at Chuck, before dissapearing.

Yet, he came back, a moment later.

He disappeared once again.

It repeated several times, in quick flashes, until Charoum stumbled to the ground. He looks at Chuck, burning daggers into his head.

"What are you doing!?" He hisses, rising. He stood taller than Chuck, just like we all do, and he tried to use his height against Chuck, tried to intimidate God. But that didn't work, Chuck's eyes just hardened more, an angry aura wrapping around him in thick waves.

"Charoum. Sit." Charoum just stares at Chuck, I could feel the challenge coming from the Angel, I could see how angry they both are. So, I - most likely to suffer consequences if I interrupt - step into the middle of them, a hand on both being's chest.

"Look, God, Uncle, Chuck - whatever. We need him - and I don't wanna admit it, but you did earlier. You said we can't lock Her away without Charoum." I look from Chuck to Charoum, "but, if you don't help, it won't be God smiting you, it'll be me ending you. Got it?" Charoum's eyes trail to mine, and however much I want to kill him, his eyes just effect me, make me want to - help him. I think that that is where the bind comes from, how we are 'meant to be'.

"You're right." Chuck steps back away from my hand, I feel his anger lessen, but not dissolve completely. "I do need him, but he has to help." I put down both my hands and stare at Charoum with intent, if he says no, I'm going to snap his neck off. As I wait for words to fall out of Charoum's mouth, a hand comes to lay on my shoulder, Castiel steps beside be.

"Calm." He whispers, only loud enough for me to hear. I look at him then and my eyes go straight to his, his calm -yet intense, ocean blue eyes. Had I gotten so angry, stressed, that he could feel the anger? Had he sensed that I was getting ready to explode, without actually knowing it? I take a breath and look back at Charoum.

"So..?" I say. He looks at me confused, then his eyes flash to Castiel - who still stood next to me, his eyes squinted.

Charoum looks back to me, "fine." I seem to let out another breath, one of relief. "But, I want-"

"No." That was from Castiel. "Whatever you want, you will not have." He slides an arm around my waist and starts to pull me away, saying, "come" as he pulls me along. Chuck takes a step closer to Charoum, wrapping his wrist around Charoum's arm, Sam joins Dean and they start to have a quiet conversation.

"Where are we going," I ask, still very aware of the arm around my waist.

"Just wait."

Unexpectedly Castiel lead me to the place we met, to the beach where I was found. The sun now was just peaking up from the horizon, soon to disappear, it lit up the ocean, the colours of blues and greens vibrant. The brightest blue, close to Castiel's eye colour caught my eye the most.

"Why'd you bring me back here, Castiel?" His arm slips from my waist and he gives me a smile. I felt the loss of the warmth from the now empty space.

"It's calm here." I understand now. He was trying to keep my anger suppressed.

"Thanks." I whisper. With the flap of my wings, I travel to the water, the ocean splashing around me. I let out a laugh. "Come in, Cas!" I shout to Castiel. He stood there a moment, a large smile on his face. I noticed that was the first time I'd called him by his nickname. A moment later I felt the splash of water onto my back, I spin around and retaliate.

The splashing of water and laughter lasted a while, somehow I had become entangled with Castiel, his arm wrapped around my waist and his free hand tickling my side. Eventually, I manage to turn in his arms and stare up into his eyes, his eyes that sparkled heavenly.

"Thank you." I murmur again, my eyes flickering from his eyes to his mouth, and back again.

"Don't thank me." A moment later Castiel's lips meet mine, in soft, careful movements. I felt our connection as we kissed, I felt everything. Power radiated off of us both, a connection so strong, our opposite qualities merging together. The kiss gets more hungry as time passes and our breaths are harsh as I pull away.


"Shh..." He places his forehead against mine, his breaths the same as mine, rugged and desperate. I soon feel the slow movements of Cas' wings, I felt the delicate beauties wrap around my own wings, pulling me into his chest, the water disappeared soon after, replaced with the softness of something. I snuggled into Cas' chest more, forgetting everything and only thinking of Cas. I didn't fall to sleep, I couldn't - neither had Cas - I just closed my eyes and almost, as if, dreamed of myself and Cas away from evil, but I knew that when I'd be out of Cas' embrace, things wouldn't be the same.


This will have a couple more chapters, it's turned out quite longer that I expected.

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