Amnesia Angel

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I was pretty much asleep when I wrote this, so it may not be as good.


"Dean! Where are you?" You shout in the bunker, your words echoing throughout the building.

"I'm in the kitchen with Sammy." You heard the 'don't call me Sammy' from Sam, though it was quiet from where you stood. You walked through the hallways till you arrived in the kitchen. The aroma of bacon, sausage, egg and beans filled your senses as you walked in. "You want some plating up?"

"Sure, why not." You stood by the door and watched as Dean scooped up a selection of food and plated it for you, himself and Sam, who gave it a look before adding some salad. You take the food from Dean as he offers it you.

"C'mon, frickin' rabbit food? Can't you have some freedom?" Dean whined at Sam as you all walked into the main room you sat and ate regularly at.

"It's nice and healthy, don't you agree (Y/n)?" Sam attempts at getting you on his side, pulling you into the argument.

"Sam, I think you're right -it is heathy, but like Dean-" You stopped any words that were about to be spoken and drop your plate on the ground, all whilst staring at the man who appeared in front of you.

"Balthazar?" Dean pushes past you and looks at the man with a raised eyebrow. The man doesn't answer straight away, as he's to busy staring at you, confusion evident on his face, you couldn't help but blush a little, why's he looking at you? "What are you doing here?" Dean questions him again.

"I," he pauses, "I'm terribly sorry, I made a mistake -wrong place, haha." And he's gone, with no sound but the sound of a flap of wings. Dean stares at the place the man was for a moment.

"Who -what was that?" You question, looking at Dean, worry in your features.

"Balthazar." He looks at you, "he's an angel." You stare at him.

"Are you being litteral?" You say, your head slightly cocked to the side.

"Yeah, they're real, just like demons." You turn around to Sam, he has a small smile on his lips, though he looked a little confused at the event that just occurred.

"Is he good?" Sam nods and you turn back to Dean, "Sorry about the food." He says that you shouldn't apologise, and that he'll clean it up himself. You thanked him and began walking to your room, the boys heading the other way.

The light by you flickers and you hear the flap of wings again, though the sound was louder. You spin on your heal to find a different man stood there, this man is shorter.

He stands at approximatly 5'7, with longish golden hair, brushed back, a little like Sam's. His eyes glow a honey-gold, a sparkle in the corner of his eyes. His eyes hold a sadness to them as he studies you, a look of miss and happiness filling them.

"(Y/n)?" He takes a step forward and you furrow your eyebrow. "I- where have you been?" You take a small step back, holding up your hand.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know you." He looks down at his feet, he lets out a low profanity.

"They took it, you fell and they took it!" He shouts, putting his head in his hands.

"Took what?" You question, very confused. Suddenly another flutter sounds, and a hand is placed on Gabriel's shoulder. Balthazar squeezes Gabriel's shoulder, reasurringly.

"She doesn't remember Gabe. Her memories..."

"We need to get back her grace, restore her!" Gabriel turns to Balthazar and gives him a hard stare. Balthazar looks at your still form as Gabriel speaks low to him. His face changes many times, until he finally nods in result of Gabriel's speech. His hand slips from Gabriel's shoulder. He disappears within the next second.

"...Gabriel?" His head shoots up and he looks at you dead in the eyes, his whiskey-brown eyes shining with tears. "Who am I?"

He lets out a breath. "You're an angel, you've just lost your grace and memories... you've become human."

An angel. I'm an angel?

"So, I have wings?" He chuckles, his eyes lighting up.

"You have beautiful wings, you just need to get them back and you will." Excitement filled you as you thought of the possibility of flying and other things that angels could do, though you didn't exactly know what they were, but you were interested.

"I need to tell Sam and Dean." You look in the direction they are in and then back at Gabriel.


"They're my family." You turn and start walking, finding Sam and Dean a minute later. Gabriel followed close behind you. "Guys."

The two Winchester turn around on their chairs, noticing immediately the angel begging you.

"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" Sam asks as he sits up in his chair, his empty plate in front of him. He looks at Gabriel then back at you.

"I've just got some news... apparently, I'm not human." Sam and Dean share a look before both rising and coming up to you.

"What do you mean?" Dean questions, squinting his eyes.

"I-I." Gabriel helps you out as you couldn't get out your words.

"She's an angel, a creation of God, Angel of the Lord." He puts an arm around your shoulders, "cool, right?" You stayed still as his unfamiliar touch is used upon you.

The boys look at you with wide eyes.

"An angel? You're a bloody angel!" You shrug your shoulders.

"That's what Gabe said." Gabriel smiles beside you at the nickname you just gave him.

"I did, I'm not lying, she is, I'll prove it soon."


"(Y/n)'s grace." Everyone looks at you and you look down in embarrassment. A flutter sounds. You turn and find Balthazar back.

"I've located the bastard." Is all he says before nodding at Gabriel and dissapearing.

"I'll be back with your grace." And the last angel in the room flys away.

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