Two Different Angels (2/?)

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I concentrated on Castiel's thoughts, that way, where ever he is thinking of, I would automatically know where to fly with him to.

It turned out to be a huge bunker. One of the many I had heard about. The great Men of Letters' bunker, where hundreds of books, weapons, knowledge lies hidden. I didn't know why it was here Castiel brought me, he could of gone anywhere.

I stepped back away from the good angel, looking around the bunker, my gaze filled with curiosity.

"Did you here something!?" I heard a male voice call, coming from somewhere near me. Footsteps followed after and a tall man appeared, looking down on us. He looked at Castiel and then me, judging my every small move. "Who the hell is that, Cas?" He ask, using a nickname for Castiel.

"Sam, this is." he looks briefly to me, "wait it is-" I nod. "Amitiel."

A look of terror spreads upon his face, he quickly reaches behind him and pulls out a pistol, pointing it straight at me. "Sam, don't."

"Sam, what are you doing!?" Another man appears, running beside Sam and looking down at us. "Is that a girl?" He looks at Cas, "what's happening?"

"That's an angel of the Darkness, Dean!" Sam rushes out.

"She won't hurt you," Castiel's gravelly voice speaks up, attempting to calm the boys. The other Winchester, Dean, doesn't calm, getting out his own pistol, like Sam, pointing it at me.

"Why did you bring it here, Cas?" The two hunters start making their way down stairs, levelling out with me and Castiel.

I turn to Castiel, "I can go, I-"

"No, you have done nothing wrong." He looks to the boys, "I promise she won't do anything, I'll watch her."

"How do you know, Cas? For all you know, she could be tricking you, manipulating you." Dean says, trying to coax Castiel out of the imaginary 'spell' he was under. "She is a lead Cas, we need answers." Dean takes a step forward, Sam sticking by his side.

If they did shoot, I wouldn't die, I'd just get angry, pissed off and that's when I'm bad, that when I harm...

Castiel stands in front of me, in a protective stance. The boys couldn't see, but, Castiel's wings now appeared, stretching out each side, blocking my view. I stared at his wings in awe. They are a white tinged blue colour, bright and pure, opposite to my dark ones.

"If she slips up once, I'll do it, I'll give her to you." Castiel says, adamant to get the boys to stop. I didn't know why, but I knew that Castiel would never kill me at the least.


"Dean, I will."

"One slip up, even if it's small?" Dean proposed, his gun lowering. Castiel nods firmly. "Sammy, put your gun down."


"Just do it." Sam, reluctantly, lowers his gun.

"Now, that's over, I also promise, that I am not bad, I don't want this, okay? This darkness." I put a hand on Castiels shoulder, he tenses, then relaxes his wings folding back. I stand next to him. I hated being judged on by my maker. "I know She made me, I know that I do have darkness in me. I know that I'm supposed to kill angels, demons, you, anything I was to run into, but I don't, I won't, because I don't do as She tells me. Okay, s-so, I know you don't know me, or trust me, but have a little faith that I'm not lying, because if you don't try, you won't see I'm telling the truth." That was the longest I was going to talk about Her, unless it was about about getting rid of Her.

Sam looks at you closely, finding that little bit of faith before Dean.

"Alright." Is all he says, whilst Dean just looks towards his brother, then back at me with a small nod.

"Thank you." Castiel speaks.

"If anything happens-"

"Thank you." Castiel cuts off Dean, he turns around to look at me, whilst still talking to the boys. "I'm going to take Amitiel and talk to her in a civilized way, there's someone else who I need to find." He nods to me, then starts walking away, I follow behind him.

He lead me to a bedroom, I assumed it was his. He sat on the edge of his bed and gestured to me to sit next to him- I did.

"You said you wanted to talk about someone you need to find?" I ask him.

He nods, "yes, it is the angel Charoum." My eyes widen at this. Charoum is the angel made for me, the one I was supposed to be with.

"What about him?"

"I need to know where he is."

"I-I don't know. I haven't seen him in a long time. We aren't... on good terms." I answered. We hated each other strongly and I didn't want to see him again.

"You have a connection don't you, being both made by the Darkness." I close my eyes, releasing a breath.

"Yes, I do, but... I don't know how to use it, to find him." I shake my head, looking down. "I'll try and find out... It's just, ugh, no."

"I can get Sam and Dean to look into it, as I am not certain about it myself. I want you to stay here, they don't trust you." He rises and walks to the door, before he leaves, I speak up.

"But I'm the Angel of Truth, they should believe me, I don't lie." Castiel turns to me, a look of confusion set on his face.

"But I though the Angel of Truth was dead, is that not true?"

"No, that was a lie spread by Her, she wanted me to do some stuff- this was before I took on a different path- and I had to fake my death." A faint smile sets on my face. "I don't think she would let me die." With that he nods and walks out of the room, leaving me with my thoughts.

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