Winchester Vampires

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This is the longest one-shot I've ever wrote. I definitely class this as one of my favourites.


Shit, that's all that was running through my mind. As well as numerous other profanities, but shit was at the top of the list. The reason it is, is due to the fact that four very angry vampires are approaching me. They had somehow -to my stupidity- managed to corner me, knowing that I was with no escape. There's no way of me escaping, my machete had been thrown across the dark room, out of reach, and I had no other weapons on me -I had thought that what I was hunting was a single vampire, not a nest. This is the sort of time I wished for a hunting partner, someone who would always have my back.

Once again, shit, swam it's way through my mind, panic, now stabbing at me. I have to get out of this mess, I need to. I couldn't die knowing these vampires could be killing other people, causing pain as I ventured upwards -to which I hope is to Heaven. I needed to kill these monsters, but I can't in my current state.

The weird thing about these vampires, is the fact they weren't attacking, the two that are closer, seem to have more power over the two behind, keeping them from attacking me. The one that is closest, the tallest of them all, moves forward, his hands rushing to my wrists, keeping them pinned to my sides, he gives me a... pained expression.

He slowly moves his lips to my ear, whispering so quietly I nearly miss heard him, "keep still." I did. Not because he told me to, but because I was too scared to move. His longish hair swept against my cheek as he placed his lips on my neck, not moving. I felt no pain in the next seconds, nothing pointy on my skin. He wasn't biting me. I realised after a second, that my eyes are closed, so I open them, looking at the other vampires. They hadn't moved any closer, the other leader seemed to be keeping them back with a hard glare.

"Let me-" I start to plead, but my pleas are cut short when the vampire who's lips are still on my neck hushes me with a murmur.


I gulp.

"Are we going to eat or not?" My eyes shoot to one of the vampires further back, a wicked smirk on her lips, a scary glint in her eye, she moves forward. I let out a small whimper. Anyone in my situation would be scared, no matter how good of a hunter you may be, this is scary.

"You can... afterwards." The vampire by me speaks, my eyes widen, oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit. I feel gentle large hands start to slide up my arms, turning me around. "Shh..." he murmurs again. I try to keep my breathing steady as he guides me away, footsteps following behind us. His fingers rub on my arm, a strangely human interaction, that felt wrong -yet right at the same time.

I see a gap, with some light shining through as we head through dark hallways, the vampire leads me in that direction. As soon as he opens the door wide enough, he walks in quickly, with me in front and another vampire behind him, the door shuts. He slowly removes his hands from my arms, then puts his hands in the air to show that he is no enemy, as I spin around and back up. I look around for an object, a weapon to kill these sons of bitches. Seeing no possible weapon, I try to put more distance between me and the vampires, which I could now clearly see, due to there being a little more light -and to my surprise, these vampires are actually handsome, well built and kind -but tough looking. This was surprising to me, many of my past encounters with vampires prove how ugly they are.

The two vampires are over 6', both gorgeous. The vampire closest has longish, brown, perfect looking hair, muscles that men could dream of and kind, patient looking eyes, his smile held sadness -yet it too looked kind. The man behind him isn't as tall, he's slightly older with short, dirty blond hair, bright green eyes and a determined expression, he's just as good looking. They both didn't seem to be a threat, but how could I think that, when they are vampires, all vampires are a threat, never mind who they are or who they were. Just because they look nice, doesn't mean they are.

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