Dean's Lost His Phone Again

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Suggested by _littlelizard_. It's a quick read, so sorry it's short - I only wrote 1060 words (less than usual)...


Living with the Winchester boys for going past three months now, Cas now knew the Bunker inside out, back to front. He loved living there; with a room to himself, he could stay in one place instead of traveling constantly. It was refreshing. The boys had welcomed him in, with a warning from Dean, saying not to touch his pie or there'd be consequences, and Sam also warning him about the pie. Cas knew how much Dean loved his pie, so being a good... friend, he left it alone.

Cas currently was sat in his room, a small smile upon his face. Just having a room to himself made him happy, happier than most people may think. He was perched on the end of his bed when all of a sudden Dean burst into Cas' room, without knocking. Cas didn't mind, he wasn't doing anything.

"Hey, Cas, have you seen my phone?" He looks around Cas' room with a small smirk, Cas doesn't notice it. "I've lost it... again."

Cas smiled, standing up, "again Dean?" Dean nods his head, a guilty, small smile on his lips. "I haven't seen it, but I can help look for it, like last time." Cas starts walking out of the room, Dean trailing behind him.

"I get it, Cas. I lose my phone too much, it's not my fault! I-I just forget where I put it." Dean let out a frustrated groan at the fact he'd lost it, Cas just smiled and told Dean he'd find it, like he usually would.

"I'll check the kitchen." Cas said, then walked away from Dean, hearing a "thanks" from Dean as he did. Dean had a tendency of losing his phone in a different spot each time; once it had been at the bottom of a pile of washing, once it was under the couch, another time it had somehow gotten on top of a cupboard, each time a different place. Cas walks into the kitchen, his eyes squinting and focusing on each possible location the phone could be. He looked around the kitchen, finding no phone, so he tried another room.

Dean walked around, waiting for Cas to find his phone, he knew Cas would, that's why he'd always go to Cas for help... and another reason. Dean never exactly 'lost' his phone, he knew perfectly well where it was, but he wouldn't tell Cas that, he wanted Cas to find it.

Cas had searched for a while, with no luck, he become more hopeful with the next room, Dean's. If Dean had lost his phone, it'd most likely be in here, but he had assumed Dean had searched already, he must have. Cas looks around, nothing really stood out, it was fairly neat, apart from the disheveled quilt and pillow thrown on the floor recklessly, that wouldn't do for Cas. Cas pulled up the quilt, straightening it out, then turned to look at the pillow. He walked over and picked it up, placing it down on the bed. He stopped a moment then, a feeling as though he just completely missed something out caught him.

He turned back around and a smile spread on his lips, he picked up Dean's phone and sat on Dean's bed. He unlocked the phone knowing Dean's password off the bat. He had a feeling Dean wouldn't mind, it wasn't like Cas went through Dean's stuff. Cas just liked to... mess with it... sort of.

Later Dean looked up from Sam's laptop to see Cas with a small smile on his face. He brought the phone into view and Dean stood up, walking over to Cas and pacing a hand on his shoulder, he squeezed it.

"Thank you, Cas." Cas gave the phone to Dean, the smile still on his face. "Where was it?"

"In your room." Cas turns around and walks away, going to do his own thing. That could be concentrating on something confusing or God knows. Dean turns his phone on, unlocking it, he goes into his photos, not being surprised - but happy - at what he sees.

A week later.

Sam sat at the bunker table, messing about with Dean's phone, which Dean would possibly kill Sam for, but as he looked through the phone, he decided to look at the photos. He let out a laugh as he looked through the photos, seeing the same person -angel, Cas, in the exact same position, confusion on his face, in different areas of the bunker. Sam's laughter gained the attention of Dean who came into the room with a questioning look on his face.

"What's so funny, Sammy?" Dean questions right away, then looking at his phone in Sam's hand. Sam tries to hold in his laughter as he scrolls through more of the photos, dating back to when Cas first moved in.

"What are all these photos?" Dean's eyes widen a little, but he shrugs, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.

"What? I think they're cute!" Sam laughs out loud once again, throwing his head back. Dean takes the phone from Sam's hand. "Shut up!" He shouts defensively. It was true, Dean did find the photos of Cas cute, that's why he had kept every single one of them. What Sam didn't know was that he liked to look through them in his own time. Cas was just so cute that Dean couldn't help but smile when he looked through them, studying them.

Cas stood in the next room, listening to Dean ans Sam's conversation. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but he heard his name and he was then intrigued. How many times had Dean actually lost his phone? For what purpose? Just because he found Cas cute in the photos he takes, or a completely different reason? All the time, most of the time? Now Cas knew that Dean looked at the photos, thought they were cute...

Cas felt something more than usual when Dean had called him cute, he didn't know what, but there was something. Cas figured he'd end up finding out what it was, he usually found things out. For now, if Dean needed help finding his phone, he still would, he'd still mess around, but maybe he'd change his pose, that was an idea for later, though. Now, Cas would go to his room and think, like he usually did.

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