Another Damn Alternate Universe (2/5)

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Jensen had taken you to run some lines- to which you had failed terribly at. But Jensen hadn't said anything, you suspected that he thought you were under stress. To be honest you are, alternate universe and all.

You are now holding some papers, the script, reading through the lines in your head. Reading some earlier lines, you discover that the lines in the script are words you have spoken, discussions already been.

Your eyebrows gather together as you study the script

"Richard." You hear Jensen say curtly. You look up from the papers to see fake Gabriel walking up to Jensen.

You could tell it was fake Gabriel. You wasn't sure how, but you could tell.

Richard had a frown on his face as he walked up to Jensen.

"You okay?" Richard asks as he stops in front of Jensen.

"I spoke to you earlier Richard. You know what I said. What's wrong with you?" Richard's eyebrows furrow closer together in confusion.

"We haven't spoken today? What's wrong with you?" Jensen shakes his head in disbelief.

"You were in the impala! We did talk."

You ignore them as they bicker some more, looking around for anything to concentrate on. After a little searching, you spot the guys again. Dean beckoned you over to them, using a general hand gesture.

You quickly look at the still bickering Jensen and Richard, then slowly start to back away, in the direction of the guys. After a few meters, you turn around and jog to the boys.

"God, this is weird. Too many look a likes." You say as you reach them, keeping an annoyed look on your face.

"Your telling us. Am I actually that short?" Gabriel comments, looking at his dopple-ganger.

"What did Jensen say to you in the impala?" You ask, curious as to what the answer is, ignoring his previous question about his height.

He puts a hand out, waving away the question. "That doesn't matter." You give him a tell-me-now-or-i'll-kill-you face, but he doesn't crack. Only a small smile appears on his face.

You drop the topic and speak to everyone.

"What are we gunna do?"

Sam and Dean look at each other, determination settling on their faces, they're ready to get out of here already. Cas, as expected had his head cocked to the side slightly, his normal, confused look on his face, and Gabriel, he still had the small smile on his face, but when he glanced in Dean's direction, the small smile, would turn to a small frown.

You sighed in mixed emotion as you look back to Jensen and Richard, Jensen had turned to look at you, but found you weren't there. He didn't react like Dean would've, suspecting the worst, he just shuck his head and walked away from Richard.

"Well, Gabe, what's it like seeing yourself?"

"Lolipops and candy canes." You turn to him with an annoyed smile.

"A sweet phrase..." You shake your head in disproval. This is not the time for jokes

You look around once again. "Where shall we go?" You ask, specifically aimed towards the Winchester's, as they'd been in the same boat as you before.

Sam thinking aloud said, "maybe we could meet with our... fakes..?" He asks, unsure of the answer to the question himself.

"If this is, as you say, an 'alternate universe', talking to our 'fakes' as you put it, probably wouldn't disrupt time and space. Though, I am still yet, to see myself." You turn to Cas with slightly wide eyes. Leave it to him, with his lengthy sentences.

"So, is this the plan. Are we going to talk to out look-alikes?"

"It seems that's the way we're leaning. Nothing else we can do?" Everyone thinks for a moment coming up with nothing. "Okay, let's go."

We all headed to a trailer, a randomly selected one, which happened to be Misha's trailer. Which from last times encounter, happens to be Castiel.

"Go on." You say to him, pushing him in, following after and the others coming in close behind you.

"Where's your sense of style?" Dean commented as he looked at the plain walls of the trailer.

"Hey, it's not my trailer- look there's a laptop. That's stylish, right?" Dean grunted in reply, heading over to the laptop with Sammy.

You grab Gabriel's arm and drag him back out side, leaving Castiel to talk with the boys.

"Um... You stand here and look out, I think Cas'd get lost..." he nods in agreement. "Send me a message or phone me if you see anyone."

"Yes, captain." You hit him in the shoulder playfully.

"See ya soon soldier."

You turn around and head in the direction your gut told you to go. If you remember from last time, the main place should be down there to the right.

You find the place you needed, seeing Jensen and a Jared acting out a familiar scene. You look onto to the camera's and see a leather jacket. It didn't look like Dean's, but it looked Jensen's size.

So, slowly, quietly, you crept up to the jacket and placed your hand in the pocket- empty. You try again, this time more successful, pulling out a phone. You unlocked it, seeing the homescreen as you and him hugging and searched for contacts.

You made a joint message to Jared, Misha, Richard and Morgan. The message said:

'Meet in Misha's trailer- thirty minutes.'

You clicked send and copied down Jensens number, then texted him afterwards.

After the messing about, you settled the phone back in the jacket and started to back out of the room, spinning around and jogging out.

You then got a call, Gabriel.

"Is someone there?" You ask hurriedly.

"Yeah, fake Little Devil."

"Crowley!? Oh, I'm coming." You hang up and start to sprint.

You hadnt expected Crowley and he is clever, so, you assumed fake Crowley would be too. If he figured that we were here now, this early, we'd be thirty minutes under prepared.

You spot the man who owned hell walking slowly towards Richard, a happy smile on his face.

You made a choice.

You ran, straight at the short man, diving on him, shoving him to the ground. Both of you roll around and stop abruptly against the trailer.

"Are you shitting me right now? What are you doing?" He rises from your jumble on the ground, swiping at his coat. "This is definitely not in the script, I don't even need to look, to know it isn't." He looks at you with calculating eyes, then assessing both your's and Gabriel's clothes, he leans forward a little, a small gleam in his eyes.

"When did you two change? I just saw you." He takes a step closer.

Will be continued after next chapter.

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