Ch 14

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When my senses finally return, I can't help the giggle that escapes my lips.

Camila's face scrunches up to look at me questioningly, so I answer, "Maybe we should fight more often..."

There's a brief pause, as she considers my words; then she laughs, rich and raspy.

And with her shoulders shaking on top of me, I kiss her on the forehead, feeling completely satisfied and spent.


"Alright, girls," Stephen says, looking at each of us pointedly to get our attention.

It's been a week since the AMAs, and we've been on the road a lot more than we've been doing shows.

I take a quick look around the cramped common room of our tour bus, and I can tell my bandmates are all feeling just a little bit drained.

Stephen clears his throat, sensing our lack of enthusiasm with his presence, and he says, "I know you're all tired--"

Nikki snorts out loud, bringing her foot up to cross her legs, giving Stephen a level look.

He nods at her reaction, but forges on anyway, "... but you just need to make it through the next few days, then we get a couple of weeks off before we kick off the second half of the tour."

I can't help but sigh in relief.

We've been going at things hard for the last three months, and a break from being on the road, is exactly what everyone needs.

"God, I can't wait," Katja says, turning to her twin, and adding, "Mom's gonna be ecstatic to have us home for more than just a day or two."

Kris grins in response, but looks back at Stephen, asking for clarification, "This is a real vacation, right, Stephen? You're not sending us home to do more promo...right?"

I notice Stephen's lip quirk a bit, and the suspicious glares we all suddenly throw at him, makes his face crack into a nervous smile.

"Well, about that..." he starts.

"I fucking knew it!" Nikki interrupts, slumping heavily back down on the couch, beside me.

"Stephen," I say, adding, "Really? You're gonna make us work while we're on vacation? I already told Camila and the girls that I'm going to Cuba with them for our time off."

Stephen takes an exaggerated breath, and spreads his palms out with a light shrug.

"Listen," he starts. "I may-- have set up some placeholder appearances--"

A round of groans sounds from every one of us, and Stephen raises his hands to stop us, saying, "It's completely optional, but it's totally up to you girls, if you want to help your own careers or not..."

Kris just sighs with defeat, sharing an eye-roll with Katja.

Nikki shakes her head, and says, "Fuck it. As long as I get to go home, I don't care."

They all naturally turn to me when I don't pipe in my own begrudging agreement, so I answer, "Uh-uh, I'm going on a real vacation, and that's that."

Stephen purses his lips, recognizing the finality in my tone.

So instead, he turns to the rest of the girls. "Okay well, it's settled then. Nikki, I've got an interview for you in New York, with DRUM!. Katja, Kris, you've got a couple of radio shows in Portland--"

He turns to me with a resigned smile, trying to sweeten his voice. "Lauren, if for any reason, you decide to put your career first, I have some interviews for you in Miami--"

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