Ch 29

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To Listen To: 'So Far Away', Mary Lambert


Camila's POV

I yawn before wrapping my arm around her body, settling in and enjoying our shared warmth.

And after I move her hair out of the way and bring my face closer, I start to drift to sleep.

By the time I kiss the back of her neck, I can't tell whether this is all still real, or if I'm just dreaming.

But either way, I know; I'm not ready to wake up. Not yet.


Lauren's POV

I need another fucking drink.

I stare down at my empty glass, my eyes immediately falling on the equally empty bottle beside it. many have I had exactly?

I squint for a few moments, then end up shrugging.

You know what I should do? I should just give Camila a fucking call, and just ask her.

Yes, just straight out give her a little ring after six months of little to no contact, and--

I don't even let my thoughts finish, I just fish my phone out of my bag.

I tap the screen to life, and my home screen picture of Lucy and I assaults me.

Is this why she hid these letters from me? Because she knew I'd get sucked back into the past so easily?

My fingers freeze, and I lock my phone back up immediately, tossing it beside me on the couch.

I go to reach for my glass, until I remember that it's freaking empty. So I look over to the kitchen, where the rest of the bottles are waiting for me.

But I don't wanna get up.

My eyes inevitably fall on my phone again, and I pick it back up. My hands feel sweaty, and my mind feels a little too warm and fuzzy to be making these decisions right now.

I unlock it anyway, and quickly go to my Contacts. It takes all of two seconds to scroll to Camila's name, and my finger hovers over the tiny letters apprehensively.

Just-- get it over with, Lauren. Just tap away, and talk to her, and ask, and--

I almost jump when my phone starts ringing in my hand, and it sobers me up almost immediately.

It's Lucy.

I decline the call without thinking, and I immediately curse at myself, before tapping the screen again to call her right back.

Not even a ring in, Lucy answers.

"H-hey, baby..."

She trails off, and I don't even need to see her to know that she's probably looking at the floor uncomfortably, and twiddling on a loose thread of something-- anything.

"Hi, Luce," I answer, surprised at how small my voice sounds. "S-sorry, my hand slipped, I didn't mean to hang it up..."

"Yeah, of course, don't worry about it."

There's an unusual, awkward silence between us, so I try to fill it with the first thing on my mind. "So, Nik's getting married."

There's a pause on the other line, as Lucy adjusts to my random tangent. Then she answers, "What? Since when? To who?"

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