Character profile

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(Picture of Misaki on the side n.n feel free to ignore the thing on her head xD also, this is the description of how is she at the start of the story. Later her personality changes, she learns new jutsus, get's new weapons and stuff like that n.n )


- Name: Misaki Minami

- Age: 12

- Personality: Loud, funny, friendly, stubborn, creative, smart, often hyperactive, sometimes sad, sarcastic

- Likes: Ramen, singing, cats, sushi

- Dislikes: Spiders, the colour pink, strawberries, when someone messes with her hair, snakes

- Looks: Small, thin, with weavy dark purple hair and purple eyes. Usually wears a short red skirt, white shirt with short sleeves, a black scarf, black leggings, black boots and black gloves, covering only half of her fingers

- Favourite weapons: Long spear with a blade at the end 

- Nature release: Fire, ice and lightning jutsus

- History: She was born in the Country of the wave and was orphaned at the age of 5 because Zabuza Momochi killed her parents. The same year a woman, called Shiro Maisawa, a S-ranked criminal took her under her care. They were travelling the world for five years while Shiro was teaching Misaki how to be a ninja. Two years ago they moved in to a cabin in a forest close to Konohagure where Misaki continued her training untill one day when Orochimaru's ninjas came, killed Shiro and she had to escape

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