Ch. 17 - Leaving Konoha

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Three weeks passed since the invasion of the Leaf village. After I woke up in the hospital I found out that Orochimaru escaped because our Third Hokage wounded him before he died. I cried during his funeral, standing in the last row, covered with scratches, wounds and with bandages on my right leg and shoulder.

The villagers then requested Jiariya as the new Hokage but he refused and then left for a trip with Naruto to find a certain woman. When they came back they weren't alone. There was also our new, the new Fifth Hokage Tsunade and her assistant Shizune.  

Other then that I also found out about some kind of new criminal organization called Akatsuki that tried to kidnap Naruto but failed. No one wanted to tell me much about them. 

Where was I all that time? I was forced to stay in the hospital for two of the three weeks, waiting for my wounds to heal. I didn't do much during that. I was mostly just thinking. I was feeling lonely because Gaara had to go back to Suna. My heartbeat still started racing every time that I thought about him.

The week I was allowed to leave the hospital I spent training with Kakashi. He taught me a jutsu named Chidori. It was pretty hard to learn it but somehow I managed.  

I just did it for the first time and looked at Kakashi.  

He nodded and grinned. '' You need some more practice but other then that is fine. But now we have to go to the Hokage's office. She needs to talk to me and my team. ''  

'' Have you met her yet? '' I asked.  

He smirked and slowly started: '' She's a very... nice lady. ''  

I wasn't sure what was that supposed to mean but I didn't have the time to find out because then he disappeared, of course, leaving me walking to the Hokage's tower alone.  

When I entered her office I noticed that Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi were already there. '' Hey, guys! '' I greeted and smiled.  

Naruto happily greeted me back, Sakura nodded while Sasuke just said '' Hn. ''  

Then I looked at Tsunade and bowed. I was wearing her usual clothes and had her long blonde hair in two low ponytails. I placed myself next to Naruto and waited for what was she going to tell us.  

'' You didn't find out about the results of the Chunin exams yet, '' Tsunade started and looked at a scroll. '' Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uciha, Misaki Minami and Sakura Haruno, you all got promoted to chunin level. The first three passed the exams and I decided to make Sakura a chunin too because of everything that she did during the invasion. ''  

I grinned and raised my fists. '' Yeah! ''  

'' I'm a chunin now! Believe it! '' Naruto screamed with enthusiasm.  

Sakura grinned in the same way as I did. 

Sasuke just slightly smiled and murmured a: '' Hn. '' Man, those 'Hn's' were really getting annoying.  

'' I wasn't finished! '' lady Tsunade interrupted us, with a vain, popping out of her forehead. Man, she had a short temper.

We all quickly calmed down and looked at her. Now I knew what was did Kakashi's weird respond about her mean. She was scary. More scary than angry Sakura.  

'' I'm sending all the members of team 7 except one on a mission, '' she continued.  

I frowned, confused. All the members except one? Why?  

'' Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura, you're going on this mission. Here are the details about it, '' she said and handed to Sakura a scroll. Then her serious brown eyes looked to me. '' As for you... We'll continue the conversation once everyone leaves. ''  

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