Ch. 16 - The final part of the exams and the invasion

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It was before the start of the last part of the exams and Naruto and I were walking in the direction of the arena together. We were just about to enter when Hinata suddenly ran to us. She looked at Naruto, blushed and then started stuttering: '' N-Naruto... ''  

I grinned. '' I'll leave you two alone. There's Iruka waiting for me anyway. Good luck with your match Naruto and you better win! '' I yelled.  

Naruto nodded at me, smiling.  

Then I turned around and rushed to Iruka. '' Good morning! Who am I fighting with? ''  

He raised his eyebrows with surprise. '' You seem in a strangly good mood this morning. ''  

I grinned. '' I've been prepairing for this for the past month! I can't wait for it to start! ''  

He shrugged. '' Is good that you are so confident in yourself. Well, as you probably already knows there'll be five fights, all held at the same time, just in different arenas. And they start in ten minutes. There are already people cheering and waiting. ''  

'' Yeah, but who am I going to fight with? '' I asked, staring at him with wide eyes.  

'' His name's Dosu Kinuta. ''  

It took me a few seconds to remember who was he.  

A creepy smile appeared on my face and my eyes shined. '' Oh, I can't wait to kill him. '' Then I noticed Iruka's weird look and quickly smiled again. '' Did I say kill him? I meant beat him, '' I said.  

He slowly nodded and then showed me to follow him.  

A couple of minutes later I was already standing in the middle of a fighting arena. It had watching sits on one side. There weren't many people. Most of them probably went watching Sasuke that was fighting against Gaara or Naruto against Neji. I couldn't help it but to be worried about Gaara, even if I didn't know why was I thinking about him so much.  

I tossed my head back and stared at the sky. It was a good idea that the arena didn't have a ceiling. I was easily able to use the snow creating jutsu. 

I was staring at Dosu and cracking my knuckles while doing a lough that was probably creeping everyone out. But I didn't care. I was going to enjoy hopefully killing the last person of Orochimaru's team.  

That's when one of the ninjas that were watching announced the start of the battle.  

I quickly made my two-bladed spear appeared and ran in his direction. I waved with it in his direction but he quickly stopped it with the help of the metal thing he was wearing on one of his hands. I stared at it, being next to my left ear with shock. I completly forgot about that. Dosu laughed, then I heared the most horrible sound ever.  

I screamed and tried to cover my ears but it was to late. I staggered for a few steps back. Then the sound stopped and when I opened my eyes again I saw nothing. I started turning my head in different directions with fear. There were the screams of the croud coming from one side. Other sounds from the other one...  

That bastard somehow messed with my vision with the help of that sound.  

Then I heared his voice: '' You'll be blind for the next ten minutes. Enough time for me to kill you. ''  

I heared him running in my direction from one side and quickly stopped panicking because I remembered Anko's training. It was like she knew something like that was going to happened and forced me to practice with a blindfold.  

I was standing there, carefully listening with my eyes closed and head lowered.

The people that were watching probably taught that I was going to loose but it wasn't over.  

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