Ch. 2 - The bell challenge

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The loud sound of an alarm clock made me wake up. I grabbed my spear, leaning on the wall next to my bed, waved through the air with it and hit the clock, making it fly through the room, hit the wall and brake in to pieces.  

I was standing on the bed and looking at the clock with anger. Why the hell did I even set it this early? Then I remembered. Right, the challenge, exam or whatever.  

I slowly stepped of my bed and yawned. Why the hell did it had to be so early?  

I walked to the wardrobe in my small bedroom. I moved in to this apartment yesterday. It wasn't very big, it only had a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom but I liked it. I wasn't used to live in big houses anyway. The cabin I was in with Shiro was almost to small for one person anyway. And the hotels we slept in for the past years when we were travelling the world weren't so big either.  

I quickly dressed in my usual uniform, made of a red skirt, a white shirt with short sleeves and the long black scarf that Shiro gave me for my 10th birthday. I put on my shoes and gloves. Then my eyes stopped on something that I dropped on the ground next to my bed yesterday.  

The headband of the Leaf village.  

I slowly picked it up. I was just staring at it for a couple of seconds. It's been a long time since I was a part of a village and it felt strange to be a ninja of another one again. 

But I still tied the headband around my wrist, grabbed a bag and left the apartment.  

I was slowly walking to the training grounds and leaning on my spear with my every step. I was still feeling weak because of when I passed out a day ago and I wasn't good with mornings anyway.  

'' Morning, '' I murmured to Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke when I reached the training grounds.  

Sakura didn't look so good either and Naruto was half asleep. Sasuke was the only one that was the same as always, with his serious and cold attitude.  

'' Good morning, Misaki-chan, '' Naruto greeted and slightly smiled.  

I nodded and collapsed on the ground. '' This is torture. ''  

'' You aren't used to wake up early in the morning? '' Sakura asked, sitting down next to me.  

'' Nah, '' I replied and put my bag under my head so it was more comfortable. '' My sensei didn't believe in early training. We usually started after lunch. ''  

'' You already had a sensei? '' Sakura asked with curiosity.  

I looked at her, Naruto and Sasuke that were staring at me.  

Oh, was that strange? '' Yeah... She was training me for years. ''  

'' So you must already know a lot of cool jutsus! '' Naruto yelled with enthusiasm. He was staring at me with wide blue eyes.  

I slowly sat up and yawned. I shrugged. '' I know some of them. Lighting, fire and ice justus are my specialty, '' I slowly explained.  

'' Show me at least one of them! '' Naruto asked. '' Please, Misaki-chan! Please! ''  

I shook my head. '' You'll get to see them sooner or later, '' I murmured and smirked. '' Sorry, Naruto. Now wake me up when Kakashi sensei arrives. '' In a couple of seconds I was already sleeping.  


'' Hey, why didn't you wake me... He still isn't here?! '' I yelled, sat up and rubbed my eyes. When we arrived it was pretty much still night, now the sun was shining on the sky and there was still no sign of Kakashi. I turned at Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke. '' Okay, did I sleep through the exam or he really hasn't shown up yet? ''  

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