Ch. 3 - Fangirls and lame missions

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'' AAAAA! HELP! IT'S AFTER ME! '' I screamed with horror. '' It's going to kill me, '' I whimpered, hiding my face in my hands and staring at the monster in front of me. '' I'm going to die! '' I yelled.  

Hmm? What was really happening?  

I was standing on the table in my living room, screaming like crazy and staring at the spider at the ground with horror. What? I thought I said I hate spiders.  

I was shaking with fear. '' I'm gonna kill you, you monster! '' I yelled. I did two handsigns and yelled: '' Fireball jutsu! '' I inhaled and then spewed out a fireball that hit the spider. The monster died but my problems still weren't over. '' MY FUCKING CARPET IS ON FIRE! '' I yelled and quickly jumped of the table.  

Great job, Misaki. Really great job.  

'' Think, think, think, '' I murmured and started moving to the wall, staring at the fire in the middle of my living room. I was catching my breath and covering my mouth because of the smoke. Then I quickly did some handsigns. '' Snow clone jutsu! '' That made a few Misakis appear and I quickly pointed at the fire. '' Jump on it! ''  

They did what I said and a couple of minutes later there was a pile of snow in the middle of my living room, covering the burned table, chairs and carpet. I sighed and sat down. '' I guess I'm going to have lunch on the ground considering that my table is gone, '' I murmured, catching my breath.  

It was the evening, the sun was just about to go down. I was still tired because of the bell challenge that we had and I was planning to make myself dinner and go to bed but of course, that couldn't go without troubles.  

That was when I heared knocking on my door.  

'' Who is it? '' I snapped. '' I mean... Come in. ''  

I raised my head. My eyes widened with surprise when I noticed Sasuke, standing on my door and staring at the pile of snow, confused. '' What happened here? ''  

'' A little incident, '' I explained and slowly got up. '' But what are you doing here? '' I asked, raising an eyebrow.  

'' I wanted to talk to you about something, '' he slowly said, still staring at the snow. '' But if you are busy... ''  

I quickly shook my head. '' Nah, it's fine. We can talk. If you buy me dinner first. Is there a place where they sell ramen around here? '' I asked.  

He nodded and a slight smirk appeared on his face. '' Yeah. Let's go. ''


I was stuffing myself with my 8th bowl of ramen. Sasuke and I were in a place called Ichiraku ramen or something like that. I wasn't surprised that it was so crowded because the ramen that they were selling here was delicious. I raised my head and just then noticed that Sasuke and the owner were staring at me with shock.  

'' What? What's the matter? '' I asked and emptied the bowl of ramen. '' Can I have another one? '' I asked with a grin.  

The owner sighed and gave me one. '' I surely never met someone that is so small and still eats so much. Well, except for Naruto, '' he said and looked to the other side of the shop where was Naruto, eating his 10 bowl of ramen. He raised his head and waved at me, I grinned and saluted in his direction.  

Then I turned at the owner again. '' Well, a girl has to eat right? '' I asked, smiling. I just started to eat my 9th bowl. '' What did you want to know, Uchiha? '' I shot a look in Sasuke's direction. He didn't say much since we left the house and now I wanted to know what he wanted from me.  

'' Do you possess a special Kekkei Genkai? '' he asked, staring at me with his dark eyes.  

I grinned. So that was what this is about. '' I don't think so. ''  

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