Ch. 15 - Summoning: Mizu and Kasai

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Anko was an amazing teacher. Sure she was often loud and annoying but she taught me a lot. With her help I completly mastered Fire and Ice release in 25 days. She taught me some cool jutsus of Lighting release but she told me that she wasn't the best person to help me with that. And she didn't know a lot about Storm release either, just one jutsus that she decided to teach me the 26 day of our training.  

It wasn't raining but the sky was dark and it was windy. We were on our usual training ground number 33, I standing in the middle of the fighting platform. Anko was sitting on the bench on the side and thoughtfully staring at a scroll.  

'' You better come here and see the hand seals, kid, '' she said.  

'' Don't worry, I'll manage to learn this in no time, '' I arrogantly replied and rushed closer.  

She laughed. '' I might've made you stronger but there's still a lot you have to learn, so there's no need for you to be so arrogant. ''  

I rolled my eyes. '' You're just yealous of my awesomeness. ''  

She did a fake laugh. '' I can still use my kunai on you if you annoy me to much, kid. ''  

I grinned and stared at the hand seals that were drawn on the scroll. They seemed a lot like the ones for Beast of the storm god. Apparently the one described on the scroll was also a S-ranked technique that needed a lot of chakra and was able to be used against a lot of enemies. I didn't really understand the other things that were written by this jutsu but I knew that I would figure out. I always had trouble with learning fire and ice release techniques but lighting release and the Beast of the storm god jutsu were pretty easy to figure out.  

'' You better get it right quickly, kid, because here's written that it uses a lot of your chakra so you can't do it very often, '' Anko said, pointing at the scroll. '' And it's good against a lot of opponents so... '' She did a few handsigns and then fifty Ankos appeared around us. Man, this was one of my worst nightmares. Anko was already enough but fifty of them?  

I gave the scroll back to her.  

I walked in to the middle of the fighting plaform and placed my hands in the position that I did before I started doing a jutsu. Then I took a deep breath and started concentrating my chakra. After a few minutes I felt mine, light blue, surrounding my body. Sparks started appearing around my hands. Then I started doing the reqired hand seals. My eyes were closed. 

The sky instantly started getting darker and I noticed lighting, appearing in the middle of the clouds.  

I finished doing the handsigns and shouted: '' Demon dragon storm! ''  

That was when Anko ordered her clones to attack me.  

I was still concentrated, my body was surrounded by a blue chakra. Then I opened my eyes and raised one hand.  

Differnet lighting appeared from the sky, in the shape of smaller dragons, roaring and striking in to 20 clones at the same time that instantly disappeared. More lighting attacked the other ones.  

A smirk started appearing on my face. I liked this techniqe! Very powerful and useful against a bunch of different enemies.  

I deconcentrated for a second and more lighting striked everything around me, destroying rocks and trees. My eyes widened and I quickly deactivated the jutsu and looked back at Anko, with an apologetic smile. '' Sorry... I guess that I deconentrated for a second... '' I explained, scratching the back of my head.  

She laughed. '' You are powerful, kid. That's enough training for today. Go rest and tomorrow I'll bring you a present for your birthday. ''  

'' You remembered that it's my birthday tomorrow? I told you two weeks ago, '' I replied and narrowed my eyes.  

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