Ch. 24 - Make out session with Deidara's hand

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'' I don't hate the desert. I can't hate the desert. My boyfriend lives in the desert. Let's just say that I hate the trip through the desert... Yeah, that's it... '' I was mumbling to myself. I was wlaking through the desert with my head lowered. My hair was constantly getting sticked to my sweaty forehead and I was dragging my legs behind me. It was walking under the hot sun for the third day now, it was the evening and this meaned that it wasn't going to be so hot anymore. But still... Suna, Suna, where the fuck was Suna? I was supposed to reach it by now. 

The rest of my trip went pretty smoothly. I got attacked by a group of bandits the day before I entered the desert but I easily dealed with them. How was it possible that I was such a good fighter but I still almost fainter under the sun a couple of times in the desert? But the way I was walking through it and I was surrounded by nothing but sand was freaking me out.  

I was out of water and it was so warm that even changing from a white shirt in to a white top with thin straps didn't help a lot. But I still kept walking at the thought that I'll finally get to see Gaara today. Did he changed a lot from the last time I saw him? Yeah, he probably did, I mean it was already a year...  

That was when I heared screaming and footsteps.  

I slowly raised my head and my eyes widened with surprise.  

Sunagakure. I didn't even notice that I already reached it because I was staring at my feet. Now I saw the entrance in to a village with beautifoul buildings. They were all made out of sand but they looked amazing.  

Then I noticed Temari that was probably walking close to the entrance of the village when she saw me. She run closer with a huge smile on her face and the next second she already pulled me in her hug. '' Misaki! '' she screamed. '' I can't believe that it's already been a year. ''  

I slowly nodded, grinning. '' An amazingly long year. '' I looked at her. She was still the same as the last time I saw here, just a little bit taller. Her hair was in four ponytails and she was carrying that fan on her back.  

She looked at me again and then frowned. '' Are you okay? You look terrible. ''  

'' I-I'm fine... '' I replied and wiped the sweat from my forehead.  

She noticed the dirty bandages, covered with blood that were surrounding my fingers and arm and quickly started pushing me in the direction of the village. '' Come on! You have to go see a doctor about that. ''  

I shook my head. '' Later. Can you show me the way to the Kazekage's office first? '' I asked. '' I have scrolls to deliver. Then I wanna see Gaara and after that a doctor. If I'll have time. The Mizukage told me that I have only a couple of days here before I have to head for the Land of Lightning. ''  

She nodded. '' Yeah, I heared about your training. '' Then a strange smile appeared on her face. '' The Kazekage you say? Well, come on. I'll show you the way. ''  

I frowned in her direction and narrowed my eyes, suspicious. '' Is there something wrong with the Kazekage? ''  

She quickly shook her head, smiling and clearly hiding something.  

I narrowed my eyes even more. '' Temari... Meaby I don't know you so well but I can still see that you are hiding something from me. What's wrong? '' I asked and started looking around the village. It wasn't very big but I instantly started liking it.  

Temari kept grinning at me like an idiot. '' No, nothing's wrong... ''  

'' You're lying, '' I murmured, but she just ignored me, pulling me in to one of the biggest buildings around here.  

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