Ch. 14 - Training with the new sensei

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I was woken up by the sound of my alarm clock. Anko forced me to buy a new one yesterday evening when we arrived back in to the village, repeating her lession about how I always have to be on time. I wished she would tell that to Kakashi that was always late.  

I got up and quickly dressed in to my usual red skirt, white shirt, black boots and black gloves that were covering only half of my fingers. Then I combed my purple hair, leading to my waist, grabbed my bag and rushed out of the apartment.  

It was already 10 and I was glad that Anko didn't believe in early training. I stopped at the dumplings store because she told me to buy her lunch... Like I was her servant... But I still did it concidering that they were pretty cheap. I stopped in another store and got a box with rice and vegetables that I intended to eat.  

I was just headed to the training grounds when I saw Naruto, waiting for someone and ran closer, smiling and waving to him. '' Naruto! ''  

He turned at me and then grinned. '' Misaki-chan! ''  

We hugged eachother and then I asked him: '' How is training with Ebisu going? ''  

He smiled with enthusiasm. '' I got a new sensei. His name is Jiraiya. He's an old pervy man but still a lot better then Ebisu. But what about you? I heared that you're training with Anko, that creepy lady from the Forest of Death! ''  

I nodded. '' Yeah, she's creepy but for now everything's fine. She even got me a present! '' I said and did two hand seals, making my spear with two blades appear. '' Look! And it has flowers carved in the black and purple handle! '' I said, staring at him with wide eyes.  

'' Woa... '' he gasped, staring at it.  

'' Anyway, it was nice seeing you but I have to go now. Sensei Anko is waiting for me at the training ground. Have a nice day with your pervy new friend Jiraiya, '' I said and sprinted away.  

I had to run the whole way to reach the training ground in time. It was the most far one, located five kilometers away from the village. There was a hunded meters of a forest deviding it from the closest training ground. I probably wouldn't find it if there wouldn't be sign, telling me that I got to the training ground number 33. By the way everything looked no one was using it much. It had a small wooden cabin next to the sign with the number 33 and when I arrived Anko was just carrying a bench out of it. She placed it on the ground next to the round platform that was in the middle of the training area.  

'' You're 1 minute late this time. Better then the last time but still late, '' she said and sat down on the bench, next to the bag that she brought with her.  

I dropped mine on the ground and sat on the grass next to it. '' Why the fuck do we have to train at the most distant training ground? ''  

'' You don't know who you'll fight against... Your opponents could be spying on you. '' She laughed. '' And I'm guessing that everyone would be to lazy to come all the way down here. ''  

Easy for her to say. She surely knew a transportation jutsu that took her here. I had to walk all the way.  

I sat up, looking at her. '' So what are we going to do today? ''  

She smirked. '' Besides your jutsus you also need to work on your speed, aim, strenght and concentration. Those are the exercises we'll be doing for now. Today I prepaired a simple one for you, '' she said, pulled a blindfold out of her pocket and threw it at me. '' Put it on, '' she said.  

I picked up the blindfold. '' This? What are we gonna do? ''  

'' You'll see, '' she said and laughed.  

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