Ch. 26 - The Kazekage's return

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I was just picking myself up when something exploded in front of me, making me stagger for a few steps back. I raised my head with surprised and noticed that Kasai placed himself in front of me, making Deidara's new bombs hit him instead of me. I was a little bit surprised because of that but I was guessing that it was just because he didn't want me to die and him with me.  

Then I looked around the forest. There were a lot of collapsed and burning trees around me, because of the explosion and I couldn't see Sakura and Chiyo anywhere. I hoped that they were okay, but now I had other things to worry besides them. Like how to not get hit by Deidara's bombs.  

I quickly jumped away and squatted behind a rock when something else exploded next to me. My whole body hurt but I wasn't going to give up just yet.  

I raised my head and looked at the sky. Then my eyes widened with shock when I noticed who was on the clay bird besides Deidara. Gaara. He was still unconscious and that made me become worried because I didn't know what did they do to him.  

I started advencing toward), Deidara, jumping away from the bombs the whole time. When I was close enough to him I started doing handsigns. Then I yelled: '' Exploding water colliding wave! '' I spit water from my mouth and almost hit the bird but suddenly it quickly moved and started flying away.  

Then I heared Naruto: '' Misaki-chan! ''  

I looked in the direction of his voice and noticed him and Kakashi approaching. They looked beat up but still much better then me. I rushed closer to them. '' Are you both okay? Have you seen Sakura and Chiyo? How about team Guy? ''  

Kakashi nodded. '' Team Guy's fine. Sakura and Chiyo are fighting against the puppet master. ''  

'' Sasori? '' I asked.  

'' Yeah, '' he replied.  

I pointed to Deidara, moving away on the bird. '' Let's go. We have to catch him! He has Gaara! '' I whined, beginning to get desperate.  

We started running after Deidara, jumping from one tree to another. It was hard to follow him from the ground and impossible to attack him. '' This is getting nowhere! '' I yelled at Naruto and Kakashi and just jumped away from another bomb, flying in my direction.  

'' He's specialized in attacking from the far, '' Kakashi commented.  

'' If I get him on the ground... Are you going to take care of the rest? '' I seriously asked, staring at the bird on the sky.  

Naruto stared at me. '' What are you planning to do, Misaki-chan? Meaby you should just leave it to us... You don't look so good. ''  

I shook my head. '' No. I'm not going to just sit back and watch while you two fight. But you didn't answer my question. ''  

Kakashi nodded. '' We'll take care of him. ''  

A smirk appeared on my face. '' Perfect. '' I stopped on a brench, did a few hansigns and murmured: '' Ice manipulation. ''  

It was a thing that the Mizukage taught me. It wasn't a complicated jutsu, just manipulation of the ice by concencentrating your chakra in it. Then it did everything that you wanted. I was just starting to master that.

I jumped from the brench, landing on a block of ice that was rising from the ground and higher in the air. There I did other handsigns and made an Ice dragon which by now became my popular transportation technique.  

I jumped on it and started going after Deidara, flying around the bombs that were coming in my direction. When I was about twenty meters away from him I placed my shaky hands in the position to do a jutsu. I was already hurt and feeling like fainting and seeing an unconscious Gaara next to Deidara didn't really help.  

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