Ch. 18 - The port town of Mura

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It took me two days of constant riding on Kasai's back (which also involved his constant whining and groaning) to reach Village hidden by boats or as everyone else called it - Mura. It was had the biggest port on this side of the continent and I was hoping to find a boat there that I could use to reach the Water country. I didn't have a lot of money with me and that was also a reason that I came to Mura, no metter how dangerous was it.  

Because it was a port town there were also a lot of pirates and similar people that were in to illegal buisness. And those people were usually looking for someone that could do a job for them, like kill someone, and they payed a lot.  

I still remembered when I came here for the first time. I was seven years old and I was still a little bit afraid of people, so I was constantly hiding behind Shiro. But this time was different.  

I just stopped a couple of kilometers away from the village, finally made Kasai disappear and sat on the ground. While I was eating the remaining of my food I was flipping through the pages of my Bingo book.  

I actually got it for my 7 birthday from Shiro. She was always giving me gifts like that. For the 6th she gave me my first set of kunais and shurikens. For my 8th she bought me my spear. For the 9th she gave me a cake. For the 10th she gave a scarf.  

Shiro's Bingo book was pretty old and it had written inside everything that she found out and also I later about the criminal buisness in different countries. Wanted ninjas, the places where you could find someone that payed you for an assassination and similar useful stuff... I mean, don't judge us. We had to find the money somehow then, just like I had to this time.  

I stared at a photo on one page. I frowned and thoughtfully tossed my head on one side, while my eyes were moving through the words that Shiro wrote. I remembered this guy. Once he paid us to burn down a shop.


Name & Surename: Harui Kamakaze  

Age: 29  

Rank: S  

Description: A young man, already very feared between the other ninjas. Great fighter (possesses Fire and Earth release) but preferes to pay others to do that for him. He spends a lot of time in a tavern in the port called 'Makarov's' with two bodyguards. Sells drugs around the Fire country and uses one of the islands around the Water country to storage them. Often pays ninjas to kill the witnesses that saw him doing that.  

Special note: Has a group of four assassins working for him and owes me money

A smirk appeared on my face, when I looked at the contract that was next to the page. When I looked at I saw that it was saying how Harui didn't pay Shiro her money back yet.  

My smirk widened when I got an idea. It looked like I wasn't going to have to do a job after all. This was easier than I thought. My idea was to go in this Makarov's tavern and simply collect the money that he owed to Shiro. If he was going to send his bodyguards after me I'll simply kill them. 

I closed the Bingo book and put it away in the bag that was hanging over my shoulder. Then I stood up and strecthed my muscles. I was feeling pretty sore because I haven't moved from Kasai's back for two days. Then I started to walk in the direction of Mura.  

It took me a couple of houses to reach the part of the port that I wanted.  

I was walking under the moonlight next to the water and the long piers. There was still a vain popping out of my forehead with anger because I had to beat up two drunk guys before that tried to attack me. Stupid idiots, doing the usual first mistake that everyone did when they saw me.  

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