Ch. 13 - '' You want that psychopath as my sensei?! ''

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I just entered Hokage's office. He was there together with Iruka and some other ninjas. He raised his head and smiled at me. '' Nice to see that you got out of the hospital, Misaki. ''  

'' I hope I didn't cause to many damages to your arena... '' I slowly said, smiling and scratching the back of my head. 

'' Nothing that can't be fixed, '' he replied. '' Anyway, you are here to find out who is going to be your sensei for the next month, right? ''  

I nodded. '' Yeah. The other genins that passed the second exam are already training and I'm the only one that didn't start yet. ''  

He nodded and lookeda at Iruka that was just packing different scrolls in a bag. He stood up and gave it to me. '' Give this to your new sensei. It'll help her to train you. And give her this. '' I nodded, put the bag over my shoulder, grabbed the scroll and looked at him again. He was carefully staring at me when he spoke up again: '' As for her name... Anko Mitarashi. ''  

I instantly froze and my eyes started twitching. I was like that for a couple of seconds. Then I screamed at Iruka: '' YOU WANT THAT PSYCHOPATH TO BE MY SENSEI?! ''  

'' You should be more respectful! '' he yelled back and narrowed his eyes. Then he smirked. '' And you can still swtich places with Naruto. ''  

I taught about Naruto's sensei. One month with that weird guy or with Anko? The second option'll probably lead to a whole bunch of troubles but it still sounded better.  

I frowned, rolling my eyes. '' Fine... ''  

'' She can teach you a lot, Misaki, '' the Hokage said.  

'' Yeah, whatever... Where do I find her? ''  

'' She's probably at the dumplings shop, '' Iruka replied.  

Dumplings? Hmm... That made me hungry.  

I nodded again, quickly bowed at the Hokage and then rushed out of the room.  

I was running through the village and thinking. If I wasn't wrong then it today it was exactly a month since I came here. It felt longer, because so much already happened. And it looked like things were just becoming complicated.  

I didn't really know what to think about Anko. She seemed like an older woman copy of Naruto, besides the fact that she looked a lot more crazy than him. But apparently Hokage thought that she could teach me a lot. 

I entered in the dumplings shop and looked around.  

It was similar to Ichiraku's ramen. I haven't really been here a lot because I was mostly eating ramen with Naruto. It had a couple of small tables and then a counter, surrounded with chairs.

I spotted Anko, sitting next to the counter and eating dumplings. I smirked and walked closer. I sat on the chair next to her, ordered some dumpings for myself and then looked at her.  

She stared in my direction and frowned. '' Do you want something, kid? ''  

I put the bag that Iruka gave me on the counter next to her and gave her the scroll that was in my hands. She gave me a suspicious look and then slowly read it.  

A smirk appeared on my face when I noticed that she was just as shocked as I was to find out that she was going to become my sensei. 

She was staring at the scrolls for a couple of seconds. Then she checked the ones that were in the bag that Iruka gave me. I just started eating the dumplings the shop owner gave me when she turned at me. '' Okay, it looks like they want me to help you master fire, lighting and ice release. Apparently you also know water release but I'm not the best person the teach you that. '' She tossed her head one one side, there was a grin appearing on her face. '' What's your name, anyway? When I saw you at the Forest of Death I thought that you'll be the first one to die inside. '' With that she started laughing.  

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