Ch. 21 - Life in Kirigakure

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( 7 months later)

Time in Kirigakure flew by quickly and before I knew it, it was already half a year that I've been there. I wasn't sure why everything went so fast, even if the days seemed long. But it was interesting because each one of them was different.  

I was usually waking up at nine o'clock in the morning, then training with the Mizukage to lunch, trained half of the afternoon and had the evening off when I was mostly spending time with Haru. Except if the Mizukage send us on a mission.  

Now I already knew that Kaori and Haru were trying to become hunter-nins, because we were mostly just hunting down and killing missing-nins. But I liked my teammates, each one of them for a different reason.  

Haru was cool to spend time with, even if he was still trying to flirt with me every day. But he always had cool ideas for pranks and somehow he always manage to drag me in to them. Which lead in to a furious Kaori, chasing us around Kirigakure with a scary expression on her face and yelling how she was going to kill us.  

When we were together he was mostly the one talking so it wasn't strange that I already knew everything about him. Apparently he was an orphan, just like me. His parents were hunter-nins and killed when they were trying to find a missing ninja. When he told me that I was a little bit surprised and asked him why did he want to become a hunter-nin and if wasn't that remind him of his parents to much. Then he replied that he was doing this for them. His father wanted him to become like that.  

Different from Haru, Kaori wasn't much of a talker. I tried to figure out what was her deal, but in six months I didn't manage to find out anything. She didn't want to talk about her past and when I asked someone to tell me they just quickly turned around and ran in the other direction. I didn't even figure out why was she wearing an eyepatch.  

But other then that she was pretty much okay, even if she didn't get any more friendly after all the time we spent together, stalking missing-nins. The evenings I wasn't with Haru I usually spent with Kaori. We didn't do girly stuff or something like that, if you were expecting. I suggested a manicure once but she almost cut my head of with a kunai. So we just stayed at training, every single time. It was like everything Kaori was ever thinking about.  

A couple of weeks ago I was also celebrating my 14th birthday and together with it came the first letter from Gaara and also a present. I was touched when I saw the bracelet that looked like a bunch of minature tulips (How the hell did he know that I liked tulips?!), made of sand, painted in red colours and put together. I had it on my hand ever since and I was always staring at it and spacing out. Haru probably also joined Kaori's 'Want to cut Misaki's head of with a kunai' club because of me, always whimpering how I miss Gaara and how I want to see him.


I sighed and rolled on the other side of the bed, hugging my blanket and going back to sleep. I was so tired and there were annoying sounds around me, trying to wake me up. That was one of the things that was hated in Kirigakure.  

People had the habit to get up at 7 in the morning and didn't even bother to be quiet, concidring that the others were still sleeping. By 7 and a half you couldn't even take a nap anymore if you were leaving in the same place as I was, concidering that by then my neigbors just started prepairing breakfast, getting ready, talking at loud and yelling at eachother from one window to another. Just when they started to leave to go training and on missions and it was starting to get quiet again the people from this town started waking up. And then at 9 of course Kaori already arrived, banging on my door with her fist and yelling that I have 3 minutes to wake up.  

I moaned, tried to roll on the other side of the bed again when I felt something kicking me of it. I groaned with pain but still didn't bother to crawl back on it. I just found a confortable spot on the floor and covered my head with a pillow. The noise wasn't so bad but there was still something annoying, trying to wake me up. I didn't know what it w-  

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