Ch. 9 - The Forest of Death

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I was sitting on the ground next to Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. The other remaining teams were around us and we were all staring at Anko that was standing in front of a huge fence. '' The 44th training area... '' she just said and a grin appeared on her face. '' Also known as the Forest of Death. ''  

I was mostly looking at the sign that was saying stay back because you may die when I noticed something next to me. '' Naruto... '' I slowly spoke up. '' There's a rock following you. ''  

Naruto stared at the rock and tried to walk away but it went after him and that lead in to Naruto, being chased around by a rock for a while until he stopped and started yelling at it. It was of course, Konohamaru and his team. Once he made them go away he looked at Anko and started saying that he isn't scared.  

That was when Anko threw a kunai at him. I was watching how it slid next to his cheek, opening a small wound on it. Then Anko appeared behind him. '' Boys like you are the first one to die in the forest. ''  

That was when a guy with long hair stopped behind her, with his tongue, wrapped around the kunai Anko threw at Naruto... Why the fuck did he have such a long knife... I shivered and looked away. It reminded me of a snake and I hated snakes. I really hoped that we won't run in to that guy once we'll go in the forest.  

Anko walked back to the fence and said: '' There's also something else that you have to do before we start the second part of the exam. I'm going to pass these out to everyone. '' She pulled out a couple of papers from her coat. I frowned. Consent forms. '' Those are consent forms. If you are taking the exam you must sign those. ''  

'' Why? '' Naruto asked.  

That was when a happy grin appeared on her face and she simply said that because when someone'll die in there she won't be responsible.  

Yup. She really did have some problems.  

I was reading the consent form in my hands while she was explaining the details of the exam.  

Apparently each team was going to get an earth or a heaven scroll and we were supposed to fight each other to get the other one. We had five days to get both of them and reach some kind of tower that was in the Forest of Death. Sounded pretty simple.  

After that we had half an hour to fill the Consent form and decide if we still wanted to continue with the exam or not. I was sitting on the ground and leaning on a tree. I didn't think to much about what was going to happen and how I might get hurt, I just filled the form while chatting to Hinata that was next to me.  

'' Don't worry, Hinata. Nothing'll happen to Naruto, '' I said, smiling at her.  

Her cheeks turned red and she slowly nodded. '' I hope Naruto-kun will be okay... ''  

'' He got better at fighting, I'm telling you. There's nothing to worry about. And I'm also there and I'll do whatever it'll take to protect me and my team, '' I continued and grinned. Not to mention Naruto's amazing fox chakra.  

In half an hour we all gathered where we were supposed to leave the forms and get one scroll. I took our heaven scroll and put it in my pocket. Someone led us to gates 12 that leaded in to the Forest of Death and there we waited.  

'' Are you sure that it's fine that Sasuke keeps the scroll? '' Naruto asked me.  

Sakura frowned and raised her fists in the air. '' Naruto, he's knows better jutsus than you do and he's more powerful than you... ''  

I crossed my arms and nodded. He did know better jutsus than Naruto but I wasn't completely sure if he was really more powerful than him. '' Don't worry, Naruto... '' I said and rolled my eyes. Then I turned at Sakura. '' I must say that I'm surprised that you didn't back out! '' I told her with a grin.  

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