Ch. 5 - At home again

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I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. It took me a couple of seconds to realise that I was laying in a bed in a familiar room. I slowly sat up and then quickly grabbed my head, groaning. Why the hell did my body hurt so much?  

'' You used almost all of your chakra when you performed those two S-ranked jutsus, '' Kakashi's voice spoke up.  

I turned to the door and noticed that he was leaning on the wall next to it.  

'' Well, you don't look so good either, '' I mumbled. '' What happened to Zabuza after I passed out, sensei? ''  

Kakashi crossed his arms. '' You almost killed him yourself and just when I was about to finish him off a boy appeared. Now we are at Tazuna's house. ''  

I narrowed my eyes, confused. '' A boy? ''  

'' He was wearing the Kirigakure hunter-nin uniform. ''  

My eye twitched. '' Was the boy around fifteen years old and had dark brown hair? '' I slowly asked.  

'' How do you know? ''  

I slowly stood up and started walking to sensei. I raised my fists in his direction and yelled with the most scary voice: '' He works for Zabuza! You let him take away Zabuza and now he probably healed him! '' 

I sighed with sadness and buried my face in to my hands.  

'' I knew that there was something strange about him... '' Kakashi thoughtfully murmured.  

I grabbed my head and moaned when it hurt again.  

'' You should rest, '' Kakashi said.  

I sat down on my bed again and crossed my arms. I started shaking my head. '' I don't know if I can rest with the thought that Zabuza is still alive and will probably come to get us again. ''  

'' Who taught you that jutsu that you used? '' Kakashi suddenly asked.  

I looked at his serious face and then laid down again. '' Twin black dragon blizzard? My sensei. ''  

He shook his head. '' No, the Snow creating jutsu. ''  

A smirk appeared on my face. '' I came up with it. ''  

'' That snow absorbs chakra and gives it to you, '' Kakashi murmured.  

My smirk widened and my eyes shined. '' So you figured it out, eh? I took Zabuza's chakra and used it against him. Pretty good, don't you think? ''  

'' You have Ice release kekkei genkai. ''  

I instantly sat up again and stared at him, shaking my head. '' No. I can't have it. My parents weren't even ninjas that could pass it down to me, '' I explained and frowned. '' It's impossible. '' 

A smirk appeared on his face. '' I tried to copy the technique but I couldn't. And I didn't say that your parents are ninjas. You are and you have it. ''  

I was staring at him with shock. Then I slowly smiled. '' You really think so? ''  

'' I know so. ''  

That was when we both heard yelling. '' Kakashi sensei? Who are you talking to? Is Misaki-chan awake? '' Uh, Naruto. He was still as loud as usually.  

That was when the door of the room opened and Naruto and Sakura stormed inside, followed by a serious Sasuke. Naruto started jumping in the air in front of me and screaming.  

'' Misaki-chan! You were amazing! I didn't know that you knew a technique like that! ''  

I smirked. '' Well, I do know a few tricks, '' I arrogantly said.  

To be a ninja (Naruto) {The tale of a shinobi: Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now