Ch. 8 - '' There's a writing test?!? ''

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I slowly opened my eyes and frowned with frustration because of the bright sun that was shining through the window and right in to my face. I rolled on the other side of the bed before my eyes suddenly wide opened and I jumped in the air, getting caught in my blankets and tripping on the ground. I moaned with pain and slowly stood up, cursing: '' WHY THE HELL MY ALARM CLOCK DIDN'T WAKE ME UP! STUPID PIECE OF MACH- '' That was when my eyes stopped on the smashed alarm clock. '' Oh, '' I murmured to myself. I forgot that I destroyed it a while ago.  

I quickly got dressed and then sprinted out of the house in the direction of the building where the first part of the Chunin exams was supposed to be held. I was telling myself so much how I wanted to pass them and now I was late?! What the fuck, Misaki?!  

Talking to myself of course messed with my concentration and I was running and ... Well, let's just say that it wasn't a surprise that I suddenly bumped in to someone and ended up on the ground. I quickly jumped on my feet again, nodding with my head lowered: '' I'm sorry... '' That was when I noticed who the person was. '' Kakashi sensei? '' I asked with surprise. '' What are you doing in this part of the village? And of course you just had to read your book while walking and not even looking in front of you. '' I rolled my eyes. Typical Kakashi and his stupid books that he never wants us to see.  

He grinned. '' I came to find you. The Chunin exams are starting and you are late. ''  

My eyes widened again. '' You're right! I can't talk! Do you wanna tell me something else before I go? ''  

'' Well, you missed my big inspiring speech so... '' He grinned. '' Good luck. ''  

I grinned back at him, nodded and sprinted away. 

I stormed inside the building and looked at the closest ninja. '' Where are the Chunin exams held? ''  

'' Fifth floor. Room 543, '' he murmured, looking a little bit confused. '' You are lucky. You still have a minute or two before they are going to start. ''  

I saluted to the ninja and started sprinting up the stairs, already tired like hell. '' Fifth floor... '' I whimpered. '' Why did it have to be the fifth floor... ''  

I was so tired when I finally reached the fifth door that I was barely walking. I was dragging my feet behind me and catching my breath. I slowly moved my hands and touched the handle of the door and... tripped over my own legs and fell in to the room.  

Great job in making a good first impression, Misaki.  

'' Morning, everyone, '' I slowly said to the surprised people staring at me. My eyes moved to the other ninjas in the room and then stopped at my friends that were standing in front of me and talking with some guy with silver hair.  

I sat up and grinned. '' Hey, Hinata, '' I greeted. She was the only one that really noticed me. The others were too busy talking to the guy with silver hair.  

She looked away from Naruto and stared at me. '' M-Misaki. ''  

I rolled my eyes. '' I'm not going to do anything to you. I mean no harm, '' I said and put my head on the bag I was carrying so it was more comfortable. '' How are you doing? Nervous? ''  

'' I'm okay, '' she replied. '' Even if there are some pretty scary teams here... ''  

'' Don't worry. You're super amazing Byakugan beats all of this idiots, '' I said and stood up. I tapped Sakura on the shoulder and asked: '' What's happening? ''  

I noticed how she slowly turned at me. Then her eye flinched and he raised her fists in the air. '' Misaki! '' she yelled and hit my head. '' You're late. ''  

To be a ninja (Naruto) {The tale of a shinobi: Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now