Ch. 1 - A new genin

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Running. I was running through the forest, trying to escape the people that were following me but it was hard. Pain was spreading through my body with every step that I took and my eyes were trying to close. I was looking at the forest around me in panic every time that black lines started flashing in front of me or when I noticed the trail of blood that I was leaving behind.

When I couldn't run anymore I was just slowly walking, leaning on my spear that was taller then me so I wouldn't collapse on the ground. I wasn't sure anymore who was I even running from but the voice of a woman and her words were resounding in my head.  

Run and don't stop until you reach a village where you'll be safe from him.

It was hard but I didn't want to let her down. The woman was everything to me. She was like my mother and she taught me everything that I knew. And something in my heart was telling me that she was no longer alive. That she died to protect me.  

I a few other steps, leaning on my spear. I couldn't do it anymore. It was to hard. My body was failing me, it just wanted to fall on the ground and die. I did another step and leaned on my spear. I was catching my breath and trying to stay awake.  

Come on, Misaki. You can do it, I said to myself and walked out of the forest. I slowly raised my head. I managed to see the first houses of a village and heard screaming before I collapsed on the ground and closed my eyes.


'' Is she dead? ''  

'' No. She'll be fine. ''  

'' What do you think that happened to her? ''  

'' I don't know but I think that she'll tell us soon. She's waking up. ''  

I was woken up by the voices of two men that were talking. I blinked and slowly opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling of something that looked like a hospital room. Then I sat up and rubbed my eyes, still sleepy. When my vision cleared I noticed two men standing in front of me.  

One had dark brown hair and the other one had totally badass gravity defying silver hair. They were both staring at me like I had two heads.

'' Where am I? '' I slowly asked and yawned, looking around, confused. '' What happened? ''  

'' They found you at the gates of our village, '' the one with the dark brown hair said. '' You lost a lot of blood and that's why you passed out. I was hoping that you would tell us what happened. My name is Iruka and this is Kakashi. ''  

I carefully nodded and held my head. What happened...

Then memories started flashing in front of me and my eyes widened.  


She was dead. She died to protect me.  

'' The Hokage also wants to know so you don't mind if we take you to him? '' Iruka continued.  

I shook my head. Hokage. Shiro told me that he was from the Leaf village. So that's where I ended up. I jumped from my hospital bed and did a few steps. Okay, I was able to walk and nothing hurt me to much.  

A couple of minutes later I was standing in front of a huge table and standing at the Hokage with a frown on my face. Wasn't the Hokage supposed to be a powerful ninja? I was looking at an old guy with a pipe in his mouth.  

'' What's your name? '' a ninja that was sitting next to him asked. The Hokage didn't say a word since I arrived. He was just staring at me with curious eyes, just liek the dude with the silver hair.  

I smiled. '' Misaki. No last name. ''  

I had a family but I didn't want to remember it. I was very young when they were killed by Zabuza Momochi anyway and I almost couldn't remember them. When I thought of my father I saw a blurred image of a man with dark hair but when it came to my mom the only one that I saw was my sensei Shiro. And now she was dead too.  

To be a ninja (Naruto) {The tale of a shinobi: Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now