Ch. 11 - At the tower

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'' Okay, team 7! '' I yelled and raised my fist in the air. Aoi-chan on my head was trying to immitate me. It was quite entertaining. Then I looked around and sighed. '' Or at least what's remaining of it... '' Sasuke was still unconscious and Naruto, Sakura and I were covered with wounds and bruises.  

We were currently sitting under a tree in the Forest of Death.  

'' New battle formation! '' I announced.  

'' Battle formation? '' Naruto asked, confused.  

I nodded, with sparks, appearing in my eyes. I looked like Mr. Eyebrows and his sensei during one of theirs passionate conversations. '' We have to step up our game or we are going to lose. It's almost the ending of the second day and I intend to get to the tower untill the end of the third one, '' I announced, with fire, appearing in my eyes and a creepy smirk on my face.  

I heared how Naruto mumbled: '' I think that there's something wrong with her. ''  

'' Meaby she hit her head during our last fight, '' Sakura whispered back to him.  

I ignored them. My smirk widened. '' From now on we'll follow my plan! We'll go to the tower that we are supposed to reach when we have our scrolls. ''  

'' But we don't have the other one... '' Sakura murmured.  

I grinned like a maniac. '' I know. But the teams that'll go there'll have two of them. ''  

Naruto and Sakura were staring at me for a couple of seconds, looking confused, then an evil smirk appeared on Sakura's face when she finally understood what I wanted us to do. '' Excellent idea! '' she yelled also raising her fist in the air.  

We started smirking at eachother viciously. '' I know, '' I murmured, still with a fire in my eyes.  

'' Can anyone explain me what's going on? '' Naruto slowly asked.  

Sakura instantly turned at him with anger and hit him in the head. '' Stupid Naruto! ''  

'' Sorry, Naruto, but this time I agree with Sakura, '' I said, nodding with my head and rolling my eyes. '' It's obvious what I was trying to say... We are going to hide close to the tower, wait for a team to come, fight them, take their scrolls and bingo - we passed the exam. ''  

Naruto was staring at me for a couple of seconds, then he finally grinned and nodded. '' I get it! '' He nodded. '' Good idea. '' 

I arrogantly threw my hair over my shoulder. '' I know. ''  

Sakura instantly punched me, just like she did with Naruto before. '' Get a hold of your attitude! We aren't going to put up with you if you're going to be an arrogant bitch. ''  

'' You're just jealous, '' I said and jumped away before she could punch me again.  

She frowned and then rolled her eyes, probably deciding to continue the argument later. She picked up Sasuke and looked at me and Naruto, smiling. '' Let's go. We did to much to fail this exam now. ''  

I nodded and with that we started running through the forest and jumping from tree to tree. It took us a couple of minutes to reach the tower and there we hid in the middle of the bushes. Sakura was supposed to guard Sasuke while Naruto and I were going to do the fighting. We were waiting almost the whole day before a team showed up. I was sitting on the ground and watching the disappearing sun with a bored expression. The first star already appeared on the sky.  

That was when I heared sounds and quickly elbowed Naruto and Sakura that fell asleep. '' Someone's coming, '' I whispered.  

Naruto grinned with enthusiasm and looked at the approaching team.  

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