Ch. 20 - The student of the Mizukage

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We were waiting for a while at the beach. I was sitting on the ground and I already almost fell asleep when I heared a strange, distant sound. I instantly looked in that direction and narrowed my eyes. That was when I spotted it. A small boat, slowly moving between the inslands of the Land of water.  

Kaori nodded. '' That's the boat we're waiting for. '' Then she looked at me. '' Can you make something made out of ice that we'll carry us on top of the water? I can still do a jutsu that'll make us able to walk under water but it would be easier the other way. ''  

I grinned. '' I know the perfect technique for it. '' and concentrated my chakra, shining around me in a blue light for a second when I performed a few handsigns. '' Ice dragon jutsu! '' A huge dragon made out of ice formed next to me and I made him stand still by controlling him with chakra. I smirked at the other two. '' Hop on! ''  

Then we were all sitting on my dragon while I was controlling it and riding on top of the mist that was floating over the ocean and following the boat.  

'' Are you sure that we won't fall? '' Haru slowly asked, looking down at the ocean. '' That's a long way down... ''  

I frowned, narrowing my eyes at him. '' We will fall if you don't shut up and let me do my thing! '' I hissed. 

'' Quiet you both or they're going to hear us, '' Kaori's calm voice instantly made us close our mouth. I noticed that she was looking down and used more of my chakra, making the dragon move lower. '' We're here, '' Kaori said and pointed down.  

I looked there and noticed a building. We started lowering on the dragon untill we were only a couple of meters away from the roof. That was when something hit us and made the dragon crash in to tiny pieces of ice.  

Haru and I started screaming once we were falling but of course, the amazing Kaori saved us. She pulled out her whip, still falling through the air, made it go around the chimney of the house and then swang on it, grabbing the collar of my shirt with one hand and Haru's arm with the other.  

I was hugging her leg and shaking with fear. Another thing that people didn't know about me. I was afraid of heights.  

We were hanging two meters in the air now and I was listening to the yelling, coming closer. Apparently they saw my dragon and now we were under attack.  

Kaori signed and gestured at the people that started approaching. I saw Harui in the middle of the group of people. '' Misaki, you kill Harui. I'll take care of the to others. Haru, you find a way to destroy the building. ''  

We all nodded. Haru climbed on the balcony that was there and started rising to the roof of the house while Kaori and I jumped on the ground.  

She looked at me one more time: '' I'll find Jun and bring her back. ''  

I nodded, slightly smiled and then we both attacked.  

I did two handsigns and made my two-bladed spear appeared. I smashed the skull of a ninja that tried to attack me and then stopped a couple of meters away from Harui, staring at him with a smirk on my face. '' Guess who came back? ''  

'' You missed me to much? '' he sarcastically asked.

'' Of course, '' I said and rolled my eyes. '' I came to kill you. And I'm going to succed. ''  

'' We'll see about that, '' he murmured and then did a few handseals. '' Fireball jutsu! '' I quickly dodged the fireball that he spewed at me.  

Then I tried to attack him with my spear but he did the Bedrock coffinl, crashing me under a pile of rocks. Man, I started hating that justu since the two brothers in the Forest of Death used it on me. Then he used Earth style split but failed to hit me.  

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