Ch. 22 - Leaving the Land of Water

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(5 months later)

Dear, Gaara.  

I got another one of your letters and like always, it made me wish like I would be next to you. And this letter isn't going to contain just the boring explaining of what I do here because... Like you know in 2 weeks it'll already be a year since I left Konoha. Now I'm going away from the Land of Water. I fully mastered Water release under the teachings of the Mizukage. But that wasn't what I was going to tell you...  

I'm coming to visit! The Mizukage asked me to deliver a couple of scrolls to the Kazekage before heading to the Land of lightning, which means... I'm going to see you! I'm finally going to see you again! 

With love,  



Two weeks. The longest two weeks of my life. It seemed like eternity. I couldn't stop thinking about Gaara since the Mizukage asked me to deliver the scrolls to Sunakagure before heading to the Land of lighting. And I of course accepted before she even finished the sentence. I think that she mentioned something about Akatsuki, bandits, criminals and 'trying to take the scrolls away from me' but I didn't really listen to her. I was already thinking about Gaara and how I was going to see him.  

It was my last day in Kirigakure. I was going to leave the next morning. Jun was supposed to take me to Mura on a boat and then head back.  

I was packing my things in my simple bag, while Kaori, Jun and Haru were hanging out in my apartment. I wasn't really listening to the dumb conversation that Jun and Haru had. I kept staring at the bracelet on my hand and touching the tulips.  

'' Ya' thinking about that sandy boy, right? '' Jun suddenly asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.  

I slowly turned around and leaned on the wall, next to me, with my arms crossed. '' How did you know? ''  

She smirked. '' I felt how your heartbeat started to go faster. ''  

It's been five months since Jun became a part of my team. Well, now it wasn't my team anymore but still... Since Jun joined our team the situation was kind a like: Us two constantly arguing about everything, Kaori saying that she's going to beat us up both if we don't shut up and then Haru smiling and casually asking if we can't just be friends.  

'' Well, yeah. I've been thinking about him, '' I replied and slowly nodded.  

Haru grinned. '' You know, I really wish I could meet him and see why did you prefer to wait a year to go see him instead of going out with me. ''  

I smiled, starting to space out again. '' I already told you, '' I started murmuring. '' He has amazing red hair... Seafoam eyes and... ''  

'' A kanji on one side of his forehead, '' we all repeated at the same time.

I flinched and then looked at them, smiling. '' Did I really mention it that many times? I'm sorry I just can't... ''  

'' Stop thinking about him, '' we all said at the same time again.

I frowned and shivered. '' Okay, stop doing that- ''  

'' It's just creepy, '' I finished, this time together with Jun.  

'' Stop it! '' I yelled at her.  

She smirked. '' I can't help it if after five months together I already know every next thing that you're going to say. But I have to say that I agree with Haru on this one. When are we going to get to meet him? ''  

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