Ch. 7 - Gaara of the desert

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Before you knew it we were already back in the sunny Konoha and doing lame missions again. Things pretty much got back to normal. I was feeling sorry for myself while pulling some herbs from the ground in the backyard of a house. Sakura was obsessing over Sasuke and shooting angry glares in my direction every time that he talked to me. Sasuke was being his usual emo self usually saying just 'Hn' or insulting Naruto. And Naruto was apparently doing everything that he could to become better then Sasuke. At the end he caused only problems and that leaded in to things like Sasuke saving him from falling in to a waterfall. I almost died because I was laughing so hard when I saw that.  

We just finished another lame mission and Kakashi told us that it was enough for today. I stared at Naruto with hope. '' Wanna go with me have ramen? I'm bored being at the shop on my own! ''  

Naruto clapped with enthusiasm. '' Ramen! '' Then he turned at Sakura and hopefully asked: '' Do you wanna come with us too, Sakura-chan? ''  

Sakura was just staring at Sasuke again. It was surprising how she was able to look at him for so much time without even blinking. '' Sasuke-kun, wanna go have ramen? ''  

'' No, '' he simply replied. '' I don't like ramen and I have to go train. '' With that he was gone.  

'' Stupid Sasuke that doesn't like ramen, '' Naruke mumbled.  

'' Don't worry, Sakura. I'm sure that he'll notice you... '' I said, patting Sakura's head. '' Sooner or later. Maybe you should try to make him jealous! How about if you go on a date with that Choji kid! '' I asked with a grin.  

Sakura shot me a angry glare and hit my head. '' Don't say ridiculous things like that! You go on a date with that fat boy if you want, I'm going to try get Sasuke-kun! ''  

That was when Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon. I buried my face in to my hands when I heard Meogi talking about being sexy or something like that, which was completely inappropriate at her age and preferred to lift Konohamaru on my shoulders. '' You're such a cute little kid! '' I said to him, grinning.  

His face instantly turned red of shame. '' I'm not a little kid! I'm a ninja! And put me down! ''  

I put him on the ground and started poking his cheeks. '' Still so cute, '' I said with a baby voice. '' Do you wanna go eat ramen with me, Konohamaru? ''  

Konohamaru blushed even more, then he stared at Naruto. When it came to Naruto he was worse then Sakura around Sasuke. I couldn't believe it when I met Konohamaru and his gang for the first time and heard how they were calling Naruto 'leader'. 

'' Why are you looking at this girl like that? '' he asked. Then he turned at Sakura and grinned. '' You two are together, aren't you? ''  

'' Well, yes- ''  

I just covered my and Moegi's eyes with my hands, already knowing what was going to happen. Sakura of course punched first Naruto and then Konohamaru. But it looked like the little boy didn't know her and that he should shut up because it wasn't a good idea insulting Sakura. Instead of that he started yelling at her and the second that I caught the word 'fat girl' I stepped closer to Konohamaru, trying to help.  

'' Shut up. You don't see that she's on a diet?! '' I hissed and then realised that I probably shouldn't said that because Sakura's face turned from the usual scary to super creepy.  

'' RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! '' I yelled and the next second we all started running.  

With that we all sprinted down the street, chased by a furious Sakura.  

Moegi tripped over a rock but I quickly grabbed her and ran in to a different street from the one that Naruto, Konohamaru and Udon chose and with that we were safe. 

To be a ninja (Naruto) {The tale of a shinobi: Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now