Ch. 6 - Battle on the bridge

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It didn't took me a lot to destroy the copies. It was actually a lot easier than the last time, because I knew their weak points now. Water splashed on the ground for the last time, then I lowered my spear and turned at Zabuza. '' You're next. ''  

He laughed. '' So you're hoping to avenge the death of your parents? ''  

'' That's exactly what I'm doing, '' I replied, slowly walking closer to him and pulling my sword behind me.  

'' I heard about you and your former sensei... '' he continued.  

I froze and my eyes widened. He wasn't going to...  

'' S-ranked criminal Shiro Maisawa. ''  

I frowned and clenched my fists. He really did tell them. I slowly turned at Kakashi and Sakura. The girl didn't knew who Shiro Maisawa was but Kakashi did. He was staring at me with shock. '' Is it true? '' he slowly asked.  

'' Yeah, it is. And no matter what you're going to say now... Shiro was an amazing teacher and like family to me... '' I slowly turned at Zabuza. '' Family that he took away from me in the first place. ''  

That was when I ran in his direction, raised the spear above my head and already wanted to hit him but the blade was stopped by the guy that was with him. He was holding long needles in his hands and he was using them to push my blade away.  

I frowned and took a couple of steps back.  

'' That's my student... Haku. He's amazingly fast. You'll never beat him. Haku... Take care of her, '' Zabuza said.  

That was when Haku attacked.  

I quickly waved through the air with my spear, hitting the needles that were flying in my direction. He threw them again and then again. Zabuza was right. He was fast and I almost wasn't able to keep up with him. And suddenly a felt a needle, go through my shoulder and come out on the other side.  

I staggered and my eyes widened for a second. Then I threw my spear away and pulled out the needle, covered with blood. I threw it on the ground and stared at Haku, calmly standing in front of me.  

I was thinking for a couple of seconds. Those needles were a problem and I knew that I won't be able to fight if I'll have to worry about them all the time. Think, Misaki, think... Then a smirk appeared on my face. A simple new jutsu. You can do it.  

I did two handsigns. '' Ice armour! ''  

It was actually a pretty good idea, if you asked me. I felt how a small layer of ice covered the skin under my clothes. I stared at my hand, covered with ice and a grin appeared on my face. Screw that. It was an amazing idea. A needle that just hit my arm simply bounced away.  

I grinned, pulled out a kunai and attacked Haku again.  

Now that I didn't have to worry about his stupid needles again I was actually a lot faster. I was easily dodging his attacks and defending myself. It was an a little bit better position than before. 

'' You may dodge my attacks and defend yourself but that's the only thing that you can do, '' Haku murmured. That was when he raised his other hand and started doing hand seals.  

My eyes widened with shock. He was able to do handsigns with only one hand?  

I was watching the drops of water that were rising in the air around me.  

'' Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death, '' Haku murmured.  

I had to do something.  

I quickly concentrated chakra in my feet and jumped in the air, away from the needles, formed from water that flew in my direction. I landed on the ground in front of Kakashi and stared at Haku again.  

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