Ch. 4 - Journey to the Land of waves

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We were just walking out of the village. Naruto looked excited. '' What are you so happy about? '' I asked him, adjusting the straps of the backpack I was carrying.  

He grinned at me. '' I've never been out of the village Misaki-chan. ''  

'' Is this kid really capable of doing this mission? '' Tazuna asked me.  

I laughed. '' Don't worry. I'm here too, so everything will be fine. ''  

Naruto crossed his arms and frowned with anger. I didn't really mean to hurt him but it was entertaining to make fun of him or Sakura.  

We were walking for the whole day. No one talked most, mostly it was just Tazuna, arguing with Naruto. I was the last one, walking behind them, with my head lowered and thinking. I couldn't help it but to get nervous, every step closer to the Country of the wave we were. Kakashi asked me if I wanted to go on this mission. I lied, saying that it wasn't a problem.  

It was strange. This thing caught me unprepared. There weren't many things that made me feel this way. Nervous, sad, confused.  

I sighed and then heard how Sakura spoke up.  

'' Kakashi sensei... ''  

'' What? ''  

'' Are there any ninjas in the Land of the wave? '' she asked.  

I frowned in her direction. That brought back other bad memories. When I was little I always wanted to become a ninja and that lead in to a lot of arguments with my dad.  

'' No, '' I replied instead of Kakashi. She looked at me with wide eyes. '' There are no ninjas there. It's to small, so there's no need for a ninja village, '' I coldly explained and lowered my head again, while Kakashi started one of his lectures about the lands and similar stuff.  

I wanted to be a ninja but it didn't matter. The only way I could become one would be to move away but my parents didn't let me.  

I only half listened to Kakashi, explaining about the five countries and how each had a Hokage, Mizukage, Raikage, Kazekage and Tsuchikage that were otherwise known as the Five Kages.  

I already knew about that since Shiro explained me that she was from the Country of lightning and now I was thinking about our Hokage. The Kages were powerful and everything but he... Well, I just had a little hard time picturing him being so amazing, even if he probably was.  

I continued walking without really listening to their conversations until my eyes stopped on something. A puddle that was in the middle of the street. I narrowed my eyes at it. Strange. Then I tossed my head back and looked at the blue sky. It hasn't rained here in a while, then why was a puddle there? 

Shiro was always telling me to watch out for things like that but I still couldn't be sure. I looked at the forest around us again and then lowered my head, deciding to wait for something to happen.  

Another ten minutes passed and I was becoming more and more nervous every second. Something was telling me that there was something wrong. We were going to get attacked. '' Kakas- '' I just started but quickly closed my mouth when I noticed a bunch of chains that appeared from the forest, tied around him and then... blood.  

Fuck. I looked around and noticed the two guys that attacked him. They were wearing strange metal gloves and there were chains coming out of them. They looked at each other and then I noticed that they planned to attack Naruto next. It wasn't the time to worry if Kakashi was okay or not. I did two handsigns and my spear appeared in my hand (Yeah, I was to lazy to carry it on my back). I quickly waved through the air with it, hitting some of the chains that were flying in Naruto's direction while Sasuke took care of the others.  

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