Ch. 25 - The fight in Suna

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'' You really think that you have a chance against us, un? '' Dediara asked but I wasn't really listening to him. I was thoughtfully staring at the puppet with the strange tail. Then I suddenly remembered why I couldn't stop thinking about the name Sasori. I heared about him the only time I've been to Sunagakure besides this time. Sasori of the red sand that started turning humans in to puppets and a bunch of other stuff.  

I raised my head and looked at ponytail. A smirk appeared on my face and I leaned on my spear. '' I killed a lot of S-ranked criminals before you, boy, '' I replied. My smirk widened. '' I'm going to show you what I can do. '' I started doing handsigns. The wind and the snowflakes started surrounding Deidara. I grinned and already wanted to finish the jutsu when I suddenly noticed the tail of the puppet, going in my direction. I stopped and quickly blocked it with my spear and jumped back. '' You can be glad that the puppet saved you, '' I said.  

Then I turned around and looked at the village. I had to go warn Gaara. I knew that I won't be able to beat both of this guys. I didn't know if I would be able to beat one of them.  

'' Watch out you idiot, '' Sasori said to Deidara.  

'' I'm sorry, danna, '' he said and I watched how he put his hands in something that he was carrying with him. Then suddenly I saw four birds, flying in my direction. At first I didn't know what to do but then I remembered what Deidara said. He was the bomber of the Akatsuki. Those birds were bombs.  

I quickly did a few handsigns. '' Waterwall! '' A wall of water rised from the ground in front of me. The birds hit it the next second and exploded, making water splash around. I quickly did other handsigns and touched the ground with my hand. '' Water wolves! ''  

That was another one of my oroginal techniques that I learned in Kirigakure. It combined water and the snowflakes from my Snow creating jutsu in to wolves that were like an a lot weaker version of Mizu and Kasai.  

Four wolves rised from the ground in front of me and started running in the direction of Deidara and Sasori while I already started performing other handsigns, doing the Ice dragon jutsu. I quickly jumped on the huge dragon that appeared next to me. I looked around and just noticed how the last of the wolves that I created exploded. Then Deidara looked at me and started doing something else from his clay.  

I knew that I shouldn't waste to much time. I raised one hand, controlling the dragon and making it move back in the direction of Suna. It was quickly flying through the sky. I was just on top of the village and almost reached Gaara's apartment when something hit my dragon and made it explode in to thousand little pieces of ice.  

I started falling through the air, getting closer and closer to the ground. I was staring at it with wide eyes. I knew that a fall like that would kill me. I just never expected to die this way.  

Then I felt sand, surrounding me and stopping my fall and putting me down on a roof. I looked up and noticed Gaara, standing next to me with his arms crossed and seriously staring at the sky while there was sand, coming out of his gourd.  

I turned around and noticed Deidara, sitting on a giant white bird that was flying on top of the village.  

'' I tried to stop him but I had to warn you that they're here... '' I murmured and stood up. '' I'm sorry. ''  

He shook his head. '' Don't be, '' he replied, staring at one of the snowflakes that were falling from the sky. I was easily controlling them so they were taking only Deidara's and Sasori's chakra. I watched how the sand under his feet stared rising him on the sky. '' I'm the one that has to protect this village and you, as the Kazekage. ''  

I watched how the fight between Deidara and Gaara started. It didn't look like Gaara was struggling, easily stopping his explosions with sand but I was determined that I wasn't going to just sit there and wait to see if Gaara was going to win or not.  

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