Ch. 10 - Misaki to the rescue

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'' MISAKI, THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO BE PERVERTED! '' Sakura yelled with anger, hitting me on the head.  

'' WHAT?! I WASN'T TRYING TO BE PERVERTED! AND IT HURTS! '' I screamed back, grabbing my head, with my hands. Then I stared back at the object of my observation, probably with a creepy expression. 

'' Then what you were trying to do?! '' she yelled at me.  

I rolled my eyes and pointed at Naruto's stomach where he had the seal of the nine tailed fox. '' You know that Naruto has the nine tailed fox inside him, right? '' I asked her.  

Sakura instantly calmed down and slowly nodded. '' Yeah... Since the battle with Zabuza and Haku on the bridge... ''  

'' I found out then too... '' I pointed at the seal. '' I saw it when we got back in to Konoha. And no, totally not in the way you are thinking. I asked him to show it to me. '' I rolled my eyes at the look on Sakura's face. Yeah, and I was the perverted one here. I pointed at something surrounding the seal. '' This wasn't there once, '' I explained.  

'' So you know what he did to him? ''  

I shook my head. '' No. And I also have to idea why did he bite Sasuke. Did you hear what he told him because of that? '' I asked.  

She shrugged. '' Something about making him stronger and Itachi. ''  

'' Itachi? '' I thought for a second and frowned. '' Itachi Uchiha? ''  

She nodded. '' Yeah. ''  

'' Shiro told me something about him... I don't know much, but I think that Itachi was the one that killed Sasuke's parents or something like that. '' I shrugged and looked around.  

After the fight with Orochimaru, Sakura and I found some kind of cave, formed inside a tree and now we were all there. Naruto and Sasuke were still unconscious. Naruto looked okay but Sasuke had the fever.  

'' I'll go check the surroundings if someone's here, '' I murmured and just wanted to crawl out of the cave but Sakura suddenly grabbed my wrist. I looked at her with surprise. '' What's wrong? ''  

She frowned, narrowing her green eyes. '' You also need to rest. You got much more hurt then me. '' She had a couple of scratches and smaller wounds but other then that she was fine. Then she sighed. '' And I also... If someone comes while you're not here... ''  

A grin appeared on my face. '' Don't worry Sakura. I'm just a little tired but other then that I'm fine. '' Then my grin widened. '' And don't worry. You are also a ninja and you are perfectly capable of protecting Sasuke and Naruto. ''  

She stared at me with surprise. '' You really think so? ''  

'' I know that you would kill anyone that would dare touch your Sasuke-kun or Naruto, '' I replied, grinning at her. '' It's time for you to start believing in yourself, Sakura. ''  

With that I crawled out of the cave and stood up. I looked around and then slowly walked in to the forest. After a couple of meters I reached a small stream. I kneeled down and drank some water. I couldn't help it but to also stare at my reflection.  

My clothes were torn and covered with dried blood, just like my skin that was also full of scratches, wounds and bruises. I didn't look to good. My dark purple hair was falling around my had in a messy way and my eyes seemed empty.  

I slowly touched the black scarf that was wrapped around my neck and narrowed my eyes.  

'' I promise, Shiro, '' I murmured to myself. '' I'll kill him. I don't know when or how but somehow I'll kill him. For you. ''  

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