Ch. 19 - Kirigakure and team 3

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I was standing at the gates of Kirigakure and staring at the village with shock. After Asami and I reached the port that morning we had to walk for another couple of minutes before we came to the village. I didn't expect it to be like that. In all the years of travelling with Shiro the Land of water was one of the rare places we've never been to.

There was a mist, floating in the air around the amazing buildings that were surrounded by houses. I got used to living in Konoha where everything was much more simple so it was a shocker to come here.  

After I showed the guards at the gates the scroll that Tsunade gave me, saying my reason of staying in the town, Asami said that she'll show me the way to the Mizukage's tower. I was looking at the people we were passing and listening to Asami that was explaining me about the life here.  

'' You can stay at my house if you want. I need someone to help me around once in a while, '' she suggested and looked at me with her blue eyes.  

I smiled. '' I would love to, but the Mizukage is already going to give me an apartment that I'll have to pay with the money that I'll get from going on missions. And I won't have time to help you, because I'll be always training. That's the only reason I'm even here. ''  

'' It seems... I don't know, dangerous and a lot of work for a young girl like you, '' she said.  

I kept myself from rolling my eyes and smiled again. '' You don't have to worry, lady Asami. That's what I want to be. '' I raised my fist in the air and grinned. '' An amazing shinobi. '' Then I smiled at her again. '' But don't worry. I'll come to visit every time that I'll can. ''  

She nodded and then pointed at the tower that we stopped in front of. '' That's where are Mizukage is, Mei Terumi. You'll see. You're going to like her. ''  

I said goodbye to her and then slowly walked inside the tower. The ninjas that I met on the way first stared at the Leaf headband, wrapped around my wrist with surprise, then they showed me the way to the Mizukage's office.  

When I reached the door a girl stopped me. I stared at her with narrowed eyes.  

She didn't look much older then me, meaby a year or two. She was small but I could see that she was strong. She was had long, weavy blonde hair, falling around her head and covering almost all of her face and there was a white eyepatch on her right eye, while the other, purple one was seriously staring at me. She was wearing black gloves that weren't covering her fingers and were leading to her elbows, a blue sleeveless shirt, black shorts and black boots. On top of that she also had a grey flak jacket. There was a whip, hanging on her waist.  

She was leaning on the wall next to the door, her arms were crossed and her only eye was closed. When I stopped in front of her she slowly opened it and looked at me. She narrowed it and tossed her head on one side. '' And you are...? ''  

'' Misaki Minami, from the Leaf village, '' I seriously replied and gave her the same scroll that I was showing around the whole day. '' The Mizukage is expecting me. ''  

She looked at the scroll for a second, put it in her pocket and then shot a glare in my direction, frowning. '' You're the amazing chunin that lady Tsunade's been talking about in her letter? '' She raised an eyebrow.  

I smirked. '' The first mistake people like you do is underestimate me. ''  

She was staring at me for a couple of seconds and then she nodded. '' Good answer. '' Then she pointed at herself. '' The name's Kaori. No last name. I'm a chunin like you. I'm currently doing the morning shift of guarding the Mizukage but other then that I also go on missions. That's all you need to know. '' Then she turned around and knocked on the door. '' Lady Mei? '' she asked, with a much nicer voice, while I was standing behind her, with my eye flinching. The girl clearly didn't like me and she showed it right away.  

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