Hide and Seek Part One

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  Gazing into the village, your eyes fell upon wooden crates with strange plants growing atop them while dark grass sprouted through the cobblestone walkway. An abandoned wagon rested in the center of the village with its lanterns still strangely lit despite there being no other living person within the vicinity. Not too far from the wagon was a fountain filled with stale water and the dark green grass. Pointed houses outlined the walkway leading to the tallest building in the village, which looked to be a church. All of this was illuminated by a bright full moon, which stood out among the thick clouds that surrounded it.

A cold breeze began to rise throughout the village, leaving you shivering in your pathetic excuse for clothes. Your shoes and socks were soaked with your own blood while your tan cargo pants were in shreds up to your knees. Your black v-neck had several tears and your black hoodie was also in shreds. Furthermore, you had mud still caked in parts of your hair and on your clothes.

Shivering, you approached the lit lantern on the wagon. Nearing it, you could feel the warmth emanating from the flame inside. Unhooking the lantern chain from the wagon, you began to explore the town, hoping to find something to mend your now reopened wounds. You doubted that there would be bandages, but maybe some cloth that was in a decent condition would be lying around somewhere.

Examining each house to see if you could enter, a loud bell began to ring from the top of the church. The sudden noise startled you and you suddenly had the urge to look around you. Terrified you watched as the once cold breeze began to swirl around itself. It started to form shapes, the shapes of people. Seeing the transformation of the breeze, you began pounding on the all the village doors, trying to find one that would open. Sadly your panic, drew the forms' attention. They swirled around the fountain, looking at you, while others merely stood watching you.

The bell rang a second time and that's when they started to move. Cursing to yourself, you tried each door in a mad rush, dropping the lantern in the process, as you saw the forms coming closer to you. They had no face, just a featureless head and an upper body while the bottom was entirely composed of the wind. At last you found a door that would open and in a hurry you opened it. Just as you were closing the door the forms reached you. One of their arms grabbed your hand and instantly you felt a numbness spread throughout your hand and up your arm. Not waiting any longer, you slammed the door shut and locked it, sealing the door shut. You ripped the tattered curtains from the dusty window and shoved them underneath door, preventing the forms from entering through the tiny space.

Hearing their raspy breath against the door, you waited to see if they would attempt to enter. Your heart pounding, you waited until they finally left to somewhere else in the village. When the last one passed the window, you went over to dusty old couch and collapsed upon it. Dust came up in a cloud, making you cough in reply while you finally felt warmth return to your hand and arm.

Once the dust left you alone, you examined the house for any form of decent cloth. Only an old wooden table with broken chairs surrounding it lay in front of you while an ancient kitchen counter outlined the peeling wall. Drawers were removed from the kitchen counters and broken dishes were scattered on the ground. Sighing you turned your field of vision to the side of you and saw stairs heading up to the second floor. You would probably find something in one of the bedrooms. Thus getting up slowly from the dusty faded pink couch, you made your way up the stairs, feeling a pain shoot up through your legs.

When you reached the upstairs you saw all the doors to the rooms removed and your eyes landed on the master bedroom. Making your way to the room, you peered into the other rooms as you passed. Two more bedrooms were in the house, one on the right the other on the left. In the right one the bed was torn to pieces, scattering wood shards and fabric throughout the room. There was nothing else distinguishable in the room. In the left room, it remained empty expect for a barren bed frame and blank papers that were spread on the floor. Beyond the two rooms was a single bathroom with a broken mirror and only pipes remaining instead of a sink, toilet and shower. You shuddered to think what happened to the village, upon seeing the condition of this house and what lay outside on the streets.

Reaching the master bedroom, you were surprised to see it in perfect condition expect for the dust that covered everything. A king size bed lay in the middle of the room while rich purple sheets covered it and cozy pillows rested at the head of the bed. Rich mahogany furniture outlined the room, extending from a dresser, to a vanity and writing desk. A door was on the left side of the room, which probably led to the bathroom.

Making your way over to the dresser, you opened the first drawer and found it stuffed with scarves and socks. Smiling to yourself, you grabbed several scarves, which looked brand new and would serve as your new bandages. Furthermore, you grabbed a pair of grey socks, which were a little big for you, but would still fit. Opening the second drawer, you found a couple pair of pants, two belts and some shirts within. Picking out a pair of boot cut jeans and a long sleeve black v-neck along with a black leather belt, you made your way into the bathroom.

Entering the bathroom, you set everything on a grey granite counter, which had a dusty sink in the middle. A shower with no shower curtains lay to your side while a toilet sat in between the sink and shower. Furthermore, the mirror in the bathroom was not broken, but once again only covered in dust. Locking the door behind you, you began to change your bandages and your clothes. However, at this moment ten minutes had passed and a game unknown to you began.

Returning to the Brothers:

Sitting in a round room stationed above the forest that you just escaped from, the twins sat in polished silver chairs with gold cushions. A silver square table separated the two while a bone china teapot with gold hearts and diamonds painted on it rested on top. Fresh earl grey tea sat within the teapot as well as in the brothers' teacups. Cream and four cubes of sugar were in Heart's cup while no sugar or cream rested Diamond's tea. Each brother sipped their tea, waiting for the ten minutes to be over. A large grandfather clock ticked away in the back of the small room; the pendulum swinging back and forth. Heart tapped his foot against the blue and red checkered tiled floor, as Diamond stared at the black and white walls, hoping that the time would somehow go faster by doing so.

"Is it time yet Diamond?".

"Not yet, we still have four minutes to go. I only hope the spirits have not gotten her yet. I heard the bell ring".

"Once again your worrying too much. You wouldn't have to worry if you hadn't set such a long waiting time" Heart stated.

"I set that time because it gives our plaything a chance to hide. In her current condition it was only fair to do so. Now we're almost down to three minutes".

Heart continued to tap his foot against the floor impatiently while pouring some more tea into his cup and adding two more sugar cubes to the mixture. Stirring the additional sugar into the tea, Heart stared at Diamond with a bored expression. "You know brother the condition of our plaything's clothes is quite horrendous. Whoever wins will have to change that don't you think?". 

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