Courtyard of Intrigue

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  Taking you out onto the stairwell, the brothers guided you back up the steps. Once in the familiar hallway, the three of you went to the right and stopped in front of a stained glass window. The window had a red background while a blue heart lay in the middle of the design. Furthermore, at the bottom of the design were blue roses with red diamonds in the center. However, you were quite perplexed. Sure the window was nice and all, but exactly where were the three of you going to eat.

Waiting for something to happen, you stared at the window. Nothing happened until both Diamond and Heart placed their hands on the stained glass window. The moment their fingers glided over the window's surface the glass shattered and burst into the hallway. You wanted to cover your face, but the brothers prevented you from doing so. Thus you witnessed the glass coming straight towards you. Just as a shard was about to hit your face it vanished, leaving specks of blue and red dust behind. In fact the entire area was now covered in the blue and red dust.

In place of the window was a stone archway wrapped in glowing yellow morning glories. This archway led into a small stone room, which was quite barren. The only things in the room were the vines covering the walls and ceilings and the lone empty birdcage, which leaned against a piece of faded cloth and a basket of yellow apples. However, there was one more thing in the room. Walking among the room was a full grown peacock. Upon seeing the three of you, it bounded through the next archway into the courtyard beyond.

Shaking your head a little in disbelief that you just saw a peacock, you looked between the three delicate and intricate pillars, which were in the middle of the next archway. Moonlight shone on the courtyard, illuminating its beauty. Flowers and bushes of various kinds were rooted into the earth below while grass covered the remaining dirt. However, what intrigued you the most was the strange tree that was in the center of the courtyard. The tree's branches twisted and turned. Leaves were not abundant on the branches of the tree, but glowing yellow apples were. As you observed the area, the brothers guided you closer to the awaiting courtyard.

Once you were in the courtyard, a glass table with three glass chairs appeared out of thin air under the apple tree. When you were seated in one of the chairs, you realized for once that the sky was clear. Furthermore, the strange sun-moonlight evaporated. Instead only the moonlight remained while thousands of stars sparkled in the sky.

"So my dear lady what do you think of the dining arrangements?" Heart asked, as he sat in his own chair.

"Yeah, they're nice" you stated still gazing around at your surroundings.

"We're glad you like them, Miss ____".

At that moment Aberrous walked out onto the stone courtyard with three glasses of iced peach tea. Setting them on the table along with a bowl of sugar and a teaspoon, he left the three of you alone once again. Heart put in several teaspoons, stirring the sugar around in his drink. Diamond not placing any sugar in his tea took a few sips of his own drink. You liked ice tea yourself, but the evening air was quite cold. Thankfully, you still had your jacket on.

"Isn't the cold air bad for you" you stated, looking over at Heart.

Still stirring his drink, he looked over at you, "Thank you for the concern my dear lady, but I can take one night of cold air".

"It wasn't out of concern".

"So you were trying to get rid of me?" he questioned.


Heart chuckled a little before finally taking a sip of his tea. Leaning back in your chair, you glanced up at the glowing apples. Lifting your left arm up, you grabbed an apple and pulled it from the tree. The apple glowed in your hands, giving further light to the space around you.

"Miss _____, were the books helpful?".

"In terms of learning about the landscapes they were. However, I didn't really gain any info on the monsters inside the areas".

"I see. Well before you set out tomorrow, the two of us have agreed on giving you a weapon for protection. We trust you won't kill us with it".

"We would rather you not go into the forest alone, but frankly if either of us receives another injury we might not survive it and then we would lose you for good. This especially holds true in my case".

"However, we should be able to meet up with you at the train".

You were shocked to learn that they would give you a weapon. You could finally defend yourself properly. Your eyes shone at the prospect, as the apple illuminated your excited face.

"Brother I think we have just witnessed our plaything's first genuine smile" Heart announced.

"Indeed, it is truly a beautiful sight to see" Diamond added.

Hearing their words, a blush swept across your face, as you intensified your gaze at the apple. You didn't realize you were smiling and tried to wipe it off your face. Thankfully, Aberrous came out with the dinner. He set each plate of lobster risotto in front of the three of you. When he left, you merely glanced between your plate and the two brothers. You waited to see if they would try to steal from your plate again. When neither made a move towards your plate, you hesitantly went to eat the food. After a few minutes of this process, you decided that they weren't going to try anything. Taking another bite of your food, a sudden curiosity popped into your head.

"The two of you mentioned that there were two others before me. You already told me what happened to the second one, but what about the first one?".

"She lost her mind after awhile" Heart uttered stabbing a piece of lobster.

"How so?".

"At first she was fine. However, only after the first door she was on her knees begging us not to send her through another door. My brother and I found it amusing and continued on with the games. I believe her mind couldn't handle this world. The first few games she only cried.

"We would have to come and retrieve her almost every time. It would then take several hours to calm her down. Eventually she just tuned everything out until she broke down" Heart explained.

"Yes, for a few months she was just like a lifeless doll. After those two months, she started to act quite strange. She would roam the halls of this castle mumbling undecipherable things to herself. At other times she would go outside and just start digging with her bare hands while laughing crazily" Diamond said.

"Did you two kill her?" you questioned, taking another bite of your meal.

"No, we didn't, although that would've probably been a better fate for her. One night she managed to break out of the restraints we kept her in; she was unstable, so we had to keep her locked up in case she tried something. Having broken out of her restraints, she left the castle and headed out into the plain surrounding this castle" Heart mentioned.

"I take it something else killed her".

"Quite right Miss ____, the next morning we found her in multiple pieces. It took us the whole day to recover her entire body. However, the most disturbing part was finding the insane smile on her face. She appeared to be laughing, as she was being torn apart".

Nodding your head in response, you could imagine someone going crazy under the brothers' watch. However, the fact that she was laughing during her death did indeed disturb you. What worried you more was the creature that caused her death. Tomorrow you were going into the forest behind the castle and hearing about something that ripped a person apart limb by limb didn't make you anymore excited about your journey to the Land of Amusement. Though, knowing that you would have a weapon on you reassured you a bit.

"Do you mind if I see the weapon?".

"Are you now worried about traveling alone in the forest, my dear lady?".

"I would be a fool not to be worried. However, I'm keeping my end of the bargain. Thus I still intend to set out tomorrow".

"Well said, Miss ____. Anyway we would be happy to show you your weapon".

Diamond glanced over at his brother, who nodded in return. Heart snapped his fingers, as he set down his fork. In his hands appeared two daggers, one with a silver handle the other with a golden one. Amethysts were throughout the handles while the stainless steel blades glinted in the moonlight. Heart handed them over to you and watched as you examined the two daggers.

"We thought that daggers would suit you. Seeing your previous combat situations, we noticed that you attack directly, but you also use your surroundings to your advantage. Thus you need a weapon that will allow maneuverability" Heart stated.

The two daggers were crafted wonderfully and you felt a sense of pride in holding them. These would definitely increase your chances of winning an encounter with a monster or monsters in the landscapes ahead of you.

"Thank you" you said, eying the weapons with a gleam in your eyes.

Heart smirked while Diamond smiled in reply. You set the weapons to the side, as you finished your dinner and drink. About five minutes passed and the three of you were now down with your meal. The glowing yellow apple still sat on the table, but was soon removed. Heart held it in his hands before tossing it over to Diamond. Within seconds Diamond had it cut into multiple pieces. He handed three of the pieces to you. Once in your hands you noticed that the flesh of the apple was a light pink color. You stared at it questionably until you saw the brothers bite into their own slices. Seeing them eat it, you bit into one of the pieces and were surprised by the taste. It tasted just like apple crumb cake. Delighted at the taste you finished the piece and ate the remaining two pieces.

However, when you looked back up, you noticed that the two brothers were gone. In their place was a simple piece of parchment. Picking it up in your hands, you read its message.

We hope you enjoyed the evening, Miss ____. However, we must retire for the night due to our exhaustion. We suggest you get a good night's rest as well, my dear lady.

Setting the note back down on the table, you decided it was a good idea to go to bed. Thus you made your way back to your room. Since your room was down the same hallway, it did not take you long to reach it. You heard the window repair itself behind you, closing off the entrance to the courtyard. Upon entering your room, you headed into the bathroom and attended to your night routine. After finishing you changed into a comfortable pair of purple and black checkered flannel pajamas. Exiting the wardrobe and bathroom, you went to get into your bed. However, there was already a figure in your bed. You stood in front of your bed frozen in place.

"What the" you muttered.

"Ah my dear lady, I see you're finally ready to go to bed" stated Heart, who now sat up in the bed.

Your cheeks heated up, seeing that Heart no longer had a shirt on. You instantly turned away from him and went to head for one of the chairs in the room, but your movement was halted. Arms wrapped around your waist from behind you, as long nails tickled your skin. Diamond's chin rested on your shoulder, as his calm breathing tickled your neck.

"Surely you are tired, Miss ____".

"I am, but I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you two".

"My dear lady, we are allowing you to enter the forest on your own. Certainly you wouldn't deprive us of spending some time with you".

"Actually I would" you stated, trying to get out of Diamond's grasp.

"Well then Miss ____, just think of it as repaying us for the daggers".

You could make no further protests, as Diamond lifted you off the ground and carried you over to the bed. He pushed the covers aside and set you down on the bed. He got in after you and pulled the sheets over the three of you. Heart wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. Diamond grabbed your left arm, as he pressed himself closer to you. This left your head nuzzled into his chest. Both of their actions made your cheeks turn crimson. Surprisingly, the two of them fell asleep quite fast. Furthermore, despite the awkwardness of the situation, you yourself managed to fall asleep pretty fast, feeling their warm bodies pressed against you. You needed sleep and tomorrow would begin your goal to defeat the sunhat girl.  

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