Rain of Hours

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  As the hours passed, you continued to read the book while Heart read through the letters, looking for any clue that might reveal the sunhat girl's plan. At one point you rested your head in the palm of your left hand, staring outside. The grey clouds rolled by slowly, as rain started to hit the windows. At the moment it was calm rain, setting a perfect mood for reading. However, your eyes trailed over to Heart and the bandages that were wrapped around his head.

"Can I see the wound" you asked all of a sudden.

Heart almost seemed startled by your sudden question. He set down the letter he was currently reading and turned around in the sofa to face you.

"Why the sudden interest, my dear lady?".

"I do not know, but if you do not want to show me that's fine" you stated, flipping a few pages in the book.

He didn't answer. Instead he got out of the sofa and pulled up a chair to the left side of you. Grabbing your hands, he placed your fingertips over the edge of his bandage.

"I'm afraid if you want to see the wound, you'll have to take the bandage off yourself, my dear lady".

You didn't know how to respond, but you were curious. Sighing, you rolled your eyes and began to unwrap the bandage. At times you could see Heart wince, but it was barely noticeable. As the bandage fell from his face onto his lap, a rather large cut made itself apparent. It looked like the smallest touch could cause it to bleed. Once the bandage was entirely off, you went to retract your hands, but Heart grabbed your right hand. He took your fingers, letting them glide over the cut. When your fingers reached the end of the cut, Heart released your hand and started to wrap the wound back in the bandages.

"Look, I didn't mean to injure you back then, the poison ...".

"My dear lady, I know. You do not need to explain yourself" he said interrupting you.

Never had you seen Heart being so kind. It was rather strange to witness. Just seeing Heart act so differently was enough to tell you how concerned the brothers were. Was the sunhat girl really that much of a threat? She had sent Kelpies at you and was the announcer at the circus, but if she wanted you dead, wouldn't she have killed you already? However, recalling her wicked smile back when you first entered this world sent a chill throughout your body. That smile did indeed mean something dreadful.

Hearing Heart get out of the chair, you looked up. He seemed to notice your slightly worried expression, as he grinned at you and ruffled your hair a bit.

"Do not worry too much, my dear lady, my brother and I aren't going to let the sunhat girl win. I am not going to let some child take you away from me".

"Yeah, whatever" you mumbled, fixing your hair.

He grinned at you once more before returning to the sofa. This left you to continue with your book. Another hour passed and you glanced at one of the pictures on the desk. Once again, it looked like a picture of mist. You began to dust the glass to see if that would help, but it did no such thing.

"Why do all the pictures look like a scene of mist?" you asked aloud, hoping that Heart would be able to answer you.

Still reading the letter, Heart answered, "Because Diamond and I made them that way".

"Yeah, but why?".

This time Heart set down the letter he was reading and looked back at you.

"Simple, those used to be pictures of other people. We claimed this castle after the owners died. The pictures were the pictures of the previous owners. Diamond and I didn't see any reason in keeping pictures of them up. However, we liked the picture frames, so we left them on the furniture".

Setting the picture frame down, you went back to reading the book almost finished with it. You could hear Heart pick up another letter. The rain increased in intensity, as you pressed on with reading. Another hour finished and you had read the entire book. Closing the book, you glanced around the desk, looking for something else to do. Your eyes landed on the small wooden box that sat on top of the desk. Upon opening the box, you found pieces of parchment along with two quills and some ink. 'Maybe I could draw something' you thought to yourself, as you grabbed the three items.

Dipping the quill in ink, you brought it down on the parchment, letting the writing utensil glide across the paper. You didn't exactly know what you were drawing, but you didn't care; you just kept drawing. With each stroke of the quill, an object began to appear. First there were four legs, then a back, two arms and at last a middle. Leaning back a little to look at your work, you noticed a finished throne chair. Like the one in the castle, except not severed in two. You were quite happy with your work and so you began to add more detail.

Detail after detail, your picture became alive. Proper shading allowed light to shine in from the stained glass windows, as steps formed at the base of the chair. At last a delicate crown rested on top of the cushion of the chair. No one was wearing the crown, but it bore the signs of wear and struggle. When you had completed the drawing, you realized that the rain was now pounding against the windows. Furthermore, the sky outside had darkened, as the clock read seven in the evening. However, it was still somewhat light outside due to the area's strange sun-moonlight. Putting away the quill and ink, you held up your drawing.

"That's pretty good, my dear lady" you heard Heart say from behind you.

"Thanks" you mumbled, setting the drawing back down.

Glancing back at Heart, you waited to see what he wanted. He smirked down at you before grabbing your left hand in his. He pulled you out of the chair, which almost sent you crashing to the ground.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?".

"Well my dear lady, previously today you interrupted me twice, so I'm returning the favor".

He guided you to the center of the main floor of the room. You almost fell over twice, but Heart held you up. He soon stopped, holding both of your hands in his. Facing him, you looked up to see what he was doing. He released one of your hands, snapping his fingers. Instantly you heard the piano start to play in the background, each key hitting a proper note. Taking your hand back in his, he placed your left hand on his shoulder while holding onto your right hand. Recognizing what he was doing, you tried to protest, becoming embarrassed by the second. With his own right hand on your lower back, he kept you in place.

"You know my legs still hurt when I stand on them" you said, trying to get out of the situation.

Heart lowered his head to your ear, whispering, "That's why I'm holding you up. Besides I thought you said you could stand this morning. Have you suddenly changed your mind?".

Mumbling to yourself, you looked away from him, though you could see him grinning triumphantly.

"That's what I thought" he said, guiding you slowly across the carpeted floor.

Rain pounded against the window, as the piano played on. You don't know how long the two of you danced, but part way into the dance, you felt Heart press you closer to him. Thankfully, he couldn't see your cheeks darken. You kept your gaze downwards, so he wouldn't see your embarrassed face. The dance continued, as the music fit in sync with your every move. Heart to your surprise was an excellent dancer, but you would never admit that to him. He didn't need a boost in his self-confidence.

You could hear the piano music die down, as Heart slowed the pace of the dance. Your legs cried in relief, as you felt like collapsing to the floor. However, Heart kept holding you up. He let go of your right hand, so that he could move his own hand to your face. Using your hands, you pushed him off of you, which sent you crashing to the floor.

"You're always so stubborn, my dear lady".

You looked away from him, only to find yourself being lifted off the ground. He set you down on the sofa before kneeling down in front of you.

"Ah, I forgot you have no shoes on" he said looking down at your barren feet and wrapped legs.

"I figured that I would be in a wheel chair, or sitting all day, so I didn't see the need for shoes. Besides I left my boots in your brother's room" you muttered, staring at your lap.

He nodded in understanding before you saw his eyes gleaming. He immediately went to kiss you, but you grabbed a pillow and put it between the two of you.

"Two can play at that game, my dear lady".

He grabbed your left arm, gliding his lips over it, as he moved closer to your face. You were about to bring the pillow down on his head, but he seized it from you and threw it across the room. Thus his lips crashed against yours and you could feel the longing in the kiss. He bit your lower lip before pulling away, which sent a thin trickle of blood down your chin. After licking it off your chin, he grinned in satisfaction. Your cheeks seemed to burn, as you did your best to hide your crimson cheeks.

"Now my dear lady, I believe it's time we head down to dinner".

With that he picked you up and took you out of the study.

"I'm glad I could make you blush for me" he whispered, as the study doors closed behind the two of you.  

A Dimensional Tune (Yandere Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now